

Every time I see you , I would like to get close to you . The closer I get to you , the more I find that I will profane your beauty, because you are so holy and pure . I only watch you in the distance , which makes me feel very happy . Please forgive me for my playing hot and cold with you .
第1个回答  2013-05-11
Every time I see you 每次见到你
I want to 我都想
close 更亲近
with you 与你
but 但
each time I want to 每次我想
close to you 与你
I feel 我都觉得
you are so 你是那么的
holy 圣洁
as if 仿佛
I get close to you 我靠近你
will 就会
defile your 亵渎你的
beauty 美
I just 我只是
look at you from far 远远的看着你
I feel 我都觉得
very happy 很幸福
please forgive me for you 请原谅我对你的
sometimes hot and sometimes cold 忽冷忽热
【词义】Every time I see you,I want toclosewith you,buteach time I want toclose to you,I feelyou are soholy,as ifI get close to youwilldefile yourbeauty.I justlook at you from far,I feelvery happy,please forgive me for yousometimes hot and sometimes cold.