


Lu Xun (1881-1936), formerly known as Zhou Shuren, was born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province. In 1902, he went to Japan to study abroad. 

He was a doctor in Sendai Medical College. He later worked in literature and art, hoping to change the national spirit.

He returned to China in 1909 and taught in Hangzhou and Shaoxing successively. 

After the Revolution of 1911, he served as a member of the Nanjing Provisional Government and the Ministry of Education of the Beijing Government. 

He also taught at Peking University and Women's Normal University.

In August 1926, he went south to Xiamen University to be the chairman of the Chinese Department. 

He came to Guangzhou in January 1927 and served as Dean of faculty at Zhongshan University. 

He arrived in Shanghai in October 1927 and died of tuberculosis on October 19, 1936.

The works, including essays, novels, papers, essays and translated works, have a profound impact on Chinese culture after the May 4th Movement.

His representative works include "Shout", "Wandering", "Dawn and Night Pick up", "Weeds", "Huagai Collection" and "Brief History of Chinese Novels".














第1个回答  推荐于2017-09-10

Lu Xun (1881-1936) and Qing Guangxu August 3rd 2007 (September 25, 1881) was born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province House Huiji County (now Shaoxing City) Fairmont Square mouth. Zhang Shou-name, the word Yu Shan, later renamed for ZHOU Shu, Yu word only. And 38, before "Lu Xun" as a pseudonym. Shaoxing, Zhejiang (native of Henan Province, Zheng Yangxian), is a writer, philosopher and revolutionary, the spirit of Lu Xun as the soul of the Chinese nation and China is one of the founders of modern literature. Lu Xun's mother is Lu Rui, and his father is Zhoubo Yi. In this life, he wrote novels, prose, essays more than 100 articles本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-11-15

Lu Xun (1881-1936) and Qing Guangxu August 3rd 2007 (September 25, 1881) was born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province House Huiji County (now Shaoxing City) Fairmont Square mouth. Zhang Shou-name, the word Yu Shan, later renamed for ZHOU Shu, Yu word only. And 38, before "Lu Xun" as a pseudonym. Shaoxing, Zhejiang (native of Henan Province, Zheng Yangxian), is a writer, philosopher and revolutionary, the spirit of Lu Xun as the soul of the Chinese nation and China is one of the founders of modern literature. Lu Xun's mother is Lu Rui, and his father is Zhoubo Yi. In this life, he wrote novels, prose, essays more than 100 articles