

1.Do you like sport?What kind of sport do you prefer?What’s your favorite sport?
2.Do you do any kind of sports during weekends?
3.Do you often watch sport on TV?
4.Did you often play sport as a child?
5.What’s the most popular sport in your country?
6.How do people in your country keep fit?
7.What do you do to keep fit?
8.What sports do you like to play?
Part 2相关话题
Talk about something you enjoy doing at home.
Describe something you do often.
Talk about an outdoor activity you have.
Describe a healthy habit you have.
Describe a game or sport you enjoy playing.
Describe a game or sports you often play.
Describe something you do with your friends or family members.
Talk about a national sport or game in your country.
Describe something you enjoy doing.
Part 3相关话题
What types of sports are popular in your country?
What are the benefits of playing a sport?
Do you think the types of sport that are popular will change in the future?
How can sports bring people from different countries closer together?
What are the advantages of hosting different international sporting events in a country?
How can we encourage children to participate in different types of sporting activities?
Why do you think sport is important?
Do you think famous sportspeople are good role models for children?
Do you agree that sports stars earn too much money?
How can parents encourage their children to do more sports?
Is there a sport that’s more popular with girls than with boys?
Do children get enough exercise these days?
1.What kind of sport do you prefer?
I don't prefer a specific kind of sport, but I really like working out in the gym… That helps me to keep my body in a good shape… A few years ago I had a sports coach, but now I developed my own fitness program and train alone…
2.Do you do any kind of sports during weekends?
Yes, sure! I have a lot of spare time during weekends and I do javelin on Saturdays… In summertime I also go cycling with my friends... Generally, I don’t like staying at home all day... I preferactive rest…
3.Tell me about your hobbies. Is there anything you like to do in your leisure time?
I used to play tennis as a hobby… But a few months ago my family moved to a new place, and there were no tennis courts nearby...That's why I took up wrestling... But I still play tennis every once in a while.
4.Do you do any sports?
Loiuse: Not really … no … I always say I’m going to take up exercise and try to get into shapebut I never seem to get started … I sometimes wonder whether I should get a personal trainer … someone who will sort out a fitness programme for me and make me train hard ….
5.How do you spend a typical weekend?
Stella: I’m a big football fan and weekends always centre around a football match … I support FC Utrecht and have a season ticket so I go to most of the home games and quite a few of theaway games too … I’m really looking forward to the new football season starting soon …
6.Have you got any hobbies or interests?
Theo: Yes … I’m really keen on sports … I do judo once a week and play tennis in the summer … I think it’s really important to keep fit … it makes you feel good and energised for work and your studies ….
Part 2
Describe a place that you visit to keep fit.
You should say:
What is it
When do you go there
What do you do there
and say why do you like it
I would like to talk about my local gym that I visit three times a week... It’s a new sports centre with the latest fitness equipment… It has everything you would ever need to keep fit: treadmills, various dumbbells and exercisers for different muscle groups. Moreover, it offers a wide range of different classes for every taste... I developed my own strength-building strategy, so usually I start with a short warm-up when I jog on the treadmill for a few minutes to sweat... Then, I go to the weights sections and start doing lifting exercises... Finally, I end my workout with stretching... I try not to miss my trainings, because they help me to relax and forget about the daily routine.
1) active rest: a leisure time during which you exercise.Active rest between lessons helps children to study more effectively.
2) athletics track (running track: a track for running, usually used for athletic races.The 9-lane running track is equipped to cope with competitions of all levels.
3) barbell: a weight-lifting gear.
4) blow the competition away: win easily the competition.After training for seven years, he blew the baseball competition away.
5) brisk walk (brisk walking: a sport in which people walk fast, but not as fast as a full run.Brisk walking is a great exercise for those, who want to lose weight.
6) to build muscle: to gain muscle mass.John was very skinny five year ago, but now he has built muscle and looks really strong.
7) fitness program: a timetable of activities to keep you in a good shape.
8) football fan: someone who adores football.
9) football pitch: the surface on which you play football.
10) football season: a period when football is played.
11) jogging: a form of running at a slow pace.
12) keep-fit exercises: exercises that help you to keep your body in a good shape.
13) personal best: an achievement in sport that is better than anything you have achieved before.Today I've ran 100m in 12 seconds! That is my personal best.
14) personal trainer (sports coach: a person that helps you to train on a one-to-one basis.It's much easier to train with a sports coach than alone.
15) sports centre (fitness centre: a specific building where people can do different sports.I practise fencing at a local sports centre.
16) sports facilities: the equipment and services needed to do a sport.I chose this gym because it offers a wide range of sports facilities.
17) sports meeting (athletics meeting: an event at which a number of athletic contests are held.The next athletics meeting will be held in November and will include javelin, pole vault, hurdles and steeplechase.
18) squash/tennis/badminton court: the surface where you play these sports.
19) strength-training strategy: set of exercises to build muscles.My dad advised me a wonderful strength-training strategy.
20) strenuous exercise: exercise that needs a lot of physical effort.It is recommended to drink a lot of water after strenuous exercises.
21) strong swimmer: an experienced swimmer.
22) swimming pool: a place filled with water made specifically for swimming.
23) that's the way the ball bounces: used to say that things don't always go as planned, but there is nothing we can do about it.Dave didn't win the game as he expected, but he never minds - that's the way the ball bounces.
24) to be keen to do smth (to be keen on doing smth: to be very interested in doing something.I'm keen on cycling.
25) to be out of condition (to be out of shape: to be in bad physical condition, to lose strength.Lily hasn't been training for years, she is out of condition now.
26) to be saved by the bell: to be saved from losing by a timely interruption.Evan would lose this round, if he wasn't saved by the bell.
27) to build muscle: to gain muscle by working out.
28) to get into shape: to become fit.Paul started training in gym because he wanted to get into shape.
29) to keep fit: to stay in a good shape.I practise dancing to keep fit.
30) to run the marathon: to run a distance of 42.195 kilometres.
31) to set a record: to achieve the best result in a sport.A new record in pole vault was set two years ago.
32) to take up doing smth: to start doing something new (usually sport.I took up dancing last week.
33) to train hard: to train with effort and passion.
34) to warm up: to perform light exercises to prepare for a hard workout.A good warm-up readies your body for a hard training.
35) to work out: to exercise in gym.
36) treadmill: an exercise machine in the gym used for walking or running, while staying in the same place.Good treadmills provide a indoor workout experience as natural as the outdoors.
37) trial-and-error method: a method of reaching a solution by trying various means until you succeed.I learned swimming by trial-and-error method, trying different moves until I figured out how to float on water.
38) workout : session of exercises in gym. You can do a workout for chest, for legs, for losing weight etc.My trainer suggested me a workout for abdominal muscles.
39) Some interesting sports:
40) fencing: a sport in which people use spit or saber in attack and defense.
41) hurdles: a race in which runners must jump over a series of barriers.
42) javelin: a sport where a metal or metal-tipped spear is thrown for distance.
43) pole vault: a sport in which a person uses a long, flexible pole to jump.
44) steeplechase: a race in which people riding horses jump over fences, water, etc.
45) an athletics meeting: an event where various athletics sports are held
46) an athletics track: a running track
47) an away game: a football match played in the opposing teams stadium
48) a brisk walk: a fast walk
49) to do judo: (not go or play
50) a football fan: someone who likes football
51) a fitness programme: a schedule of activities to keep fit
52) a football match: a game of football
53) a football pitch: the surface on which you play football (as opposed to a stadium, which is the building
54) a football season: a period in the year when football is played
55) to get into shape: to become fit
56) to go jogging: to run around the streets
57) a home game: a football match played in the teams own stadium
58) to keep fit: to stay in good physically condition
59) to be out of condition: to not be physically fit
60) a personal best: to achieve the best personal result so far in a sport
61) a personal trainer: a sports coach that helps you on a one-to-one basis
62) to play tennis/football: (not do or go
63) to run the marathon: to run a distance of 42.195 Kilometres
64) a season ticket: a ticket that gives you entry to most of a team’s home games during the sporting year.
65) to set a record: to achieve the best result in a sport
66) a sports centre: a public building where people can do various sports
67) sports facilities: the equipment and services needed to do a sport
68) a squash/tennis/badminton court: the surface where you play these sports
69) strenuous exercise: exercise that needs a lot of physical effort
70) a strong swimmer: a good swimmer
71) a swimming pool: the place where you swim
72) to take up exercise: to start doing exercise
73) to train hard: to train with a lot of effort
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