
Thousands of yesrs ago,there was a vety clever king. Once there were two women living in the same house. Each of them had a baby. One night one of the babies died. Its mother took the other mother’s baby and put it in her bed.
The next morning they had a quarrel(争吵). Both of them wanted the living baby and each said that the baby was hers. Then someone told them to go to King Soloman(所罗门国王).
After the King heard the story,he said, “Bring me a knife. Cut the baby in two,and give each of you one half.”
“That’s very good. What a clever king you are!”said the dead baby’s mother. “Give her my baby. Let it be hers,but don’t kill the baby.”cried the other mother with tesrs(眼泪)in her eyes.
Then King Soloman pointed to her and said, “Give you the baby,for you are its mother.
1.This story happened hundreds of years ago.( )
2.The two women had a quarrel because their babies died.( )
3.The king was very angru when he heare the two women’s words. And he decided to kill the baby.( )
4.The king said that he would kill the baby. So the desd baby’s mother was very happy.( )
5.At last the king knew who was the living baby’s mother.( )

数以万计年前,有一位很聪明的国王。 曾经有住在同一个房子的二名妇女。 每一个有一个婴孩。 婴孩的一夜一死了。 它的母亲在她的床上采取了另一个母亲的婴孩并且投入了它。
第二天早晨他们有争吵(争吵)。 他们两个想要生存婴孩,并且其中每一说婴孩是她的。 然后某人告诉他们去Soloman (所罗门国王)国王。
在国王以后听见故事,他说, “带来我刀子。 切开二的婴孩,并且给中的每一您一个一半”。
“那是非常好。 聪明的国王您是!”死的小的母亲说。 “给她我的婴孩。 让它是她的,但是不要杀害婴孩”。哭泣有tesrs的(眼泪)另一个母亲在她的眼睛。
然后Soloman国王指向她和说的, “给您婴孩,为了您是它的母亲。
第1个回答  2008-07-08
第二天早上,他们发生过争执(争吵) 。他们都希望生活的婴儿,每说,婴儿是她。然后有人告诉他们去国王所罗门(所罗门国王) 。
之后,国王听到的故事,他说: “给我一把刀。降低婴儿在二,给每一个你的一半“ 。
“这是非常好的。什么是聪明的国王你!说: “死亡婴儿的母亲。 “给她我的宝宝。让它成为她的,但不要杀婴儿“ 。哭了,其他的母亲与tesrs (眼泪)在她的眼睛是雪亮的。
然后国王所罗门指出,她说, “给你婴儿,因为你是它的母亲