英语 英语= =翻译 !!

Jingzhe is a solar term(节气).The 24 solar terms are a very important part of the
__36__calendar.They come from the farming culture of ancient China.Some of them are about the arrival of __37__ seasons, some are about the weather and __38__ tell changers about the living world.Jingzhe goes back 2,500 years.When the insects __39__, farmers know it’s time to ploug(耕种)the land.Chinese farmers take insects very __40__.Insects show them how the world of nature is changing and so help them with their work.But it's also a time of celebration.Jingzhe is the
__41__ of the.year when crickets(蟋蟀)begin to sing.The crickets die in the autumn and so this has always been a time of __42__.But in the spring millions are born and there is new happiness.Cricket culture has been very important in China.Crickets were first __43__ for their singing.Later the ladies of the palace put them in cages(笼子) __44__ they could listen to them sing in winter.This practice became__45__ with common people as well.And there is a long history of cricket fighting too,a sport that is still a favorite with older Chinese people.Listen out for them tomorrow,perhaps you’ll be lucky enough to catch their first songs!
( )36.A.Japanese B.Chinese C.American D.English
( )37.A.new B.old C.beautiful D.famous
( )38.A.the other B.others C.other D.another
( )39.A.fall asleep B.sleep C.get up D.wake
( )40.A.easily B.happily C.seriously D.hardly
( )41.A.moment B.second C.minute D.hour
( )42.A.happiness B.business C.sadness D.illness
( )43.A.love B.loves C.loved D.loving
( )44.A.although B.so C.but D.while
( )45.A.nice B.friendly C.difficult D.popular
莲山课件 原文地址:http://www.5ykj.com/shti/cusan/54384.htm


第1个回答  2013-10-04

说的是 惊蛰 的一个中国传统节气的 来历和 中国农耕文化之间的渊源。 其实不必每个字都翻译,大意即可。追问

亲 ,拜托你帮我翻完吧。。谢谢啦~~
