

75岁的老太太扶着老伴在客厅里挪步,老人无法到院子里活动,她被困在10楼的家里已经40天了。困扰他们的是两部电梯全坏了, 每天只能透过窗户看着院子里的邻居散步聊天。



汉译英:《电梯奇遇记》To translate it from Chinese into English " The adventure in the lift " " The adventitious meeting in the elevator"

《The Adventures in the Lift 》
《The Adventitious Meeting In the Elevator》

75岁的老太太扶着老伴在客厅里挪步,老人无法到院子里活动,她被困在10楼的家里已经40天了。困扰他们的是两部电梯全坏了, 每天只能透过窗户看着院子里的邻居散步聊天。

Assisted by her husband, A seventy-five-year-old woman is arduously making her way within the living room / parlour. Having been confined and caged at her home on the tenth floor for about forty days , This old woman could not go to courtyard for her free activity . The main reason that he was confined for such a long time is that two electric elevators have gone out of order / gone wrong , The only thing she could do every day is to see her neighbour walk and chat happily through the window of her home .


Six years ago , Both elevators worked so effectively / were in good order , but only one of both was in operation for the people to use , the other is only used for the transportation of the provision of the spare parts , To make this broken elevator work again , the parts of the other elevator was used to cause the both elevators to go wrong and come into being a complete paralysis condition.


Consulted with department concerned , The reporters was told that both elevators were brand-new when the residents dwelled in the houses . As a long time went on , various malfunctions have happened to the elevators one after another , As no money was provided to buy those replacement parts for the broken elevator, it was an only solution to go to get some relevant parts from the elevator which did not work / was not used ... after a long time , the parts on the stand-by elevators has been nearly exhausted , both elevators entirely stopped working when not parts could be obtained from the elevators .


It is required that the employed words are concise and succinct and idiomatic with English grammar other than /instead of using very complex contents . It is ok to translate the above-mentioned contents into idiomatic English under the presupposition /hypothesis of the comprehension of reading through the whole passage /article/ text .

第1个回答  2013-09-12

Adventures in an elevator
75岁的老太太扶着老伴在客厅里挪步,老人无法到院子里活动,她被困在10楼的家里已经40天了。困扰他们的是两部电梯全坏了, 每天只能透过窗户看着院子里的邻居散步聊天。
A 75-year-old lady is tentatively moving around in her living room with the assistance of her husband. She cannot go out to the courtyard. It's been over 40 days since she was trapped in her 10-story apartment. The cause is the breakdown of both elevators in the building. So now she can only watch through her window her neighbo(u)rs walking and chatting in the yard.
Six years ago, both elevators were in working order, but only one was in operation. The other was a back-up for "spare" parts. They take it apart when the good one breaks down. But now both are out of order.

A journalist asked the property management and got thefollowing answer from a worker. When people started to move in, both elevatorswere new. As time went by, there were all kinds of problems. They did not havethe money to buy new parts. So they just take off parts from the not workingone to keep one in working condition. But years past, and there were no moreparts to take from the "parts" elevator. Now both are out of order.本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-09-12
《An adventure of the Lifts 》
《A tale of two lifts》(如世界名著《双城记 》: A tale of two cities)

75岁的老太太扶着老伴在客厅里挪步,老人无法到院子里活动,她被困在10楼的家里已经40天了。困扰他们的是两部电梯全坏了, 每天只能透过窗户看着院子里的邻居散步聊天。
75 years old Mrs X can only move about in her sitting room with the help of her husband. The old lady couldn't go to the gardens to do her exercises and has already been trapped in her apartment 10-storey up for 40 days. The reason for that was the two lifts of the building are both broken down. She could only watch her neigbours taking their walk in the gardens through her windows every day.

Six years ago, both lifts were working perfectly well but just one of them was in operation, the other one was only used to supply parts, which was like rob Peter to pay Paul. Until now, both of lifts are completely broken down.

After the reporter's inquiry, the maintenance workers have explained, the lifts were new when the building was first being occupied but when the time went by, there were all sorts of mulfunctions and breakdowns. There was no money to buy the spare parts. They have to be taken from the one not in use, which had ensure that one of them would be operated normally. But time after time, all the parts from the one not in use were finally used up. Eventually, both lifts were out of action all together.

第3个回答  2013-09-11



Assisted by her husband, A seventy-five-year-old woman is arduously making
her way within the living room / parlour. Having been confined and caged at her
home on the tenth floor for about forty days , This old woman could not go to
courtyard for her free activity . The main reason that he was confined for such
a long time is that two electric elevators have gone out of order / gone wrong ,
The only thing she could do every day is to see her neighbour walk and chat
happily through the window of her home .

Six years ago , Both elevators worked so effectively / were in good order ,
but only one of both was in operation for the people to use , the other is only
used for the transportation of the provision of the spare parts , To make this
broken elevator work again , the parts of the other elevator was used to cause
the both elevators to go wrong and come into being a complete paralysis

Consulted with department concerned , The reporters was told that both
elevators were brand-new when the residents dwelled in the houses . As a long
time went on , various malfunctions have happened to the elevators one after
another , As no money was provided to buy those replacement parts for the broken
elevator, it was an only solution to go to get some relevant parts from the
elevator which did not work / was not used ... after a long time , the parets on
the stand-by elevators has been nearly exhausted , both elevators entirely
stopped working when not parts could be obtained from the elevators .
第4个回答  2013-09-11

《The Adventurous Story Of The Lift》


A 75-year-old woman was clumsily moving in the living room with the help of her husband. She could not go to the courtyard for exercises and had been trapped at home on the 10th floor for 40 days. The trouble with them was that the two lifts were both broken down. They could only watch their neighbors walking and chatting in the yard through the windows every day.

 Six years ago, both the two lifts were in good order. But then only one lift was used by the residents, the other one was used as a spare part supplier. As a result of “ Robbing Peter to pay Paul”, both the two lifts are now completely paralyzed.


Having been enquired by a reporter, a staff member explained that at the time when the residents moved in, both the two lifts were in good order. As time went by, there appeared a lot of troubles with the used lift. As we had no money to buy new spare parts, we had to take down some spare parts from the stand-by one so as to ensure the other one to operate normally. With the time going on and on, almost all the spare parts on the stand-by lift had been taken away. And finally both of them had completely stopped operation.