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〔内容摘要〕: 残疾人歧视问题是一个长期存在但不太受关注的问题,尤其是在就业方面的歧视。社会上的传统观念和偏见对残疾人的影响是十分重大的,他们认为残疾人就是残废人就是没有任何工作能力的人。把残疾人的概念定义得很窄很窄,致使许多有能力的残疾人被歧视被排除在招聘对象外面。本文先讲残疾人就业歧视的现状,主要从就业机会歧视、工作待遇歧视、就业环境和服务歧视三方面来阐述。概括出残疾人就业歧视的原因主要是受传统观念的影响。再结合相关理论和实例加以说明,最后提出一些建议,主要是从完善法律制度着手,加大法律对残疾人就业的保护力度,而且政府应当以身作则,带好这个头。

〔关键词〕:残疾人 就业歧视 观念排斥 法律援助

(content abstract): The disabled person discriminates against the question is a long-standing but not too receives the matter of concern, particularly in employment aspect discrimination. In society's traditional ideas and the prejudice to the disabled person the influence are very significant, they thought that the disabled person is the disabled person does not have any working ability person. Very narrow is very narrow disabled person's definition, causes many to have ability disabled person to discriminate is removed in advertises for outside the object. This article speaks the disabled person to get employed the first discrimination present situation, mainly from the employment opportunity discrimination, the work treatment discrimination, the employment environment and the service discriminates against three aspects to elaborate. Summarizes the disabled person to get employed the discrimination reason is mainly the traditional ideas influence. The recombination correlation theories and the example showed that finally puts forward some proposals, is mainly begins from the consummation legal regime, to enlarge the law the protection dynamics which gets employed to the disabled person, moreover the government must set an example, belt good this head.

(key word): Disabled person
Employment discrimination
Idea repel
Legal help