
关于Odessa Mid 款我司确认样,贵司反馈意见:
2. 试版由贵司确认更改口门饰线车在上方位置.
3. 内里海棉外露及大底不平为我司操作不当.
主要由于第一点楦头问题导致试穿确认样不通过, 现要求重做我司担心会影响到交期.需先知会贵司,重新修改楦头/试版/确认到完成样品需共10天.(从3月21日开始算起,这是按最快的时间计算)然后寄出去确认回来我们才能放全套及开冲刀.
Your company's feedback on the confirmation samples (odessa mid)as follows:
1、the length of the mother last PX310H your company provided is 270MM ,and we have copy it completely to make the confirming sammple shoes,but now to be required to change length 273MM and need narrow circumference appropriate by your company.
2、the entrance stitching line changed to move at the top position has confirmed by your company when trial carboard
3、sponge of the lining exposed and rough outsole due to our improper operation.
the fitting confirmation sample had not pass,mainly because of the first point reason above. but not you required to remade ,also we are afraid it will affect the delivery time.we will note you in advance that need to take 10 days to re-modify the head / trial cardboard / confirming samples ( which is calculated according to the fastest time after March 21) , and finally we need put a full and cutting since the sample confirmed by your company.
considered for the first cooperation with your company, subsequent production also need to run(磨合). we hope you will understand our position and please consider whether the delivery can be postponed

难得在知道上做个题竟然花了半多小时- -专业的名词不太懂就挑了些语法毛病,以下是我认为有问题更改了之后的。

1 but now the length is required to change to 273MM and need to narrow the circumference appropriately(其实
这个我觉得用adequately 比较好), according to your request (不能直接说by your company,会看不懂). 还有前面是“sample”不是“sammple”哦
2 the entrance stitching line is required to be moved to the top position, which has been confirmed by your company (后面when trial carboard是什么。。反正when是不对的)
3 due前面加个was
mainly (其实这个词加在这挺怪的)because of the first point reason listed above, the fitting confirmation sample had not passed. But now (是now不是not啊!我看了半天)you required us to remade it, we are afraid it will affect the delivery time.we need to (不能用将来时,现在就在告诉嘛)note you in advance that it need to take 10 days to re-modify the head / trial cardboard / confirming samples ( which is calculated according to the fastest time after 21,March )(日期在前月在后) , and finally we need to put a full and cutting(这个专业名词我不晓得哈) since the sample is confirmed by your company.

considerring the list above and it's the first cooperation with your company, and subsequent production we also need to fit together.(这句话你看看咋样,中文意思我没有很看懂。。)

主要问题:被动态的be动词,need 后面的to,语序问题