

MyMother 我的妈妈
My mother is a very kind and gentle woman. She is the best person. I love her bestin the world. She is always very careful.
She treats my father kindly. She cares for me willingly. She treats my grandma asif she were her own mother, especially, when my grandma is ill in bed. Shetakes good care of us and gives us every comfort. My father, my grandma and Iall love her and she loves us, too.
Shealways tells me, “Study while you study. Play while you play. Then you can beuseful to the society in the future.” What a piece of good advice.
Ilove my mother very much.
【care for somebody. 关心某人,willingly 自愿地take good care of = look after 照看, 照顾,give somebody. something= give something to somebody. 给某人某物, be useful to 对……有用, in the future 将来,今后】
第1个回答  2014-03-16
第2个回答  2014-03-16
