

第1个回答  2022-11-12


可是小鸟受了朋友的挑拨,第二天不想到森林里去了,还说自己一直在服待它们两个,做了很久的傻子,现在应该交换一下工作,家务事应该大家轮著来干。尽管老鼠和香肠苦苦劝说,讲明它们这样分工最合理,这样才可能继续维持正常的生活。但小鸟听不进去,坚持它的提议。最后,它俩只好顺着它。它们用抽签的方式决定了这样的分工:香肠去背柴,老鼠做饭,小鸟去担水。 人要是离开了适合自己干的工作岗位时,会有什么结果呢?




小鸟把桌子铺好了,老鼠把菜也做好了,但当老鼠去盛菜时,热气一冲,它一子就掉进了锅里,连淹带烫死去了。小鸟来到厨房想把饭菜端到桌子上去,可它没有看到厨师。它把柴枝翻来翻去扔得到处都是,这里叫,那里喊,每个地方都寻遍了,就是找不到厨师。就在这时,灶里的火掉到柴枝上,柴枝马上燃了起来。小鸟急忙去担水,但匆忙间又把木桶掉到井里去了,它也跟着一起掉了下去。一个好端端的家庭就这样完了。 Sorry.Is请帮我翻译为英文(交功课)

bird and sausage In the past
a mouse
a bird and a sausage lived in a piece of family
they live in harmony
life is full of happiness and happy. Cooperation that they divide the work
accumulate and increase constantly
bee very rich. The bird flies to the forest to hold in the mouth the firewood to e back every day; The mouse carries water
lights the fire
assigns the dining table; The sausage is responsible for cooking. One lives a too *** ooth life
will begin to change and hang on
will try to play with the new variety. Have one day
the bird has run into another friend
it is very proud to the friend to speak of the pleasure current situation of one's own life. It is a pitiful fool but that bird laughs at it
say it works arduously outside
work to be it is relaxed to do of another o partners at homed: Get back to one's own room to lie down to have a rest after the mouse lights the fire
carrying water every day
when having a meal go to put the desk chair
spread the tablecloth. Other in the bowl sits in the sausage
except seeing the situation that the food is boiled
all kinds of thing capitals are done. When having a meal
add any oil
even if salt get over
finish one one minute only. The bird listens to the words
feels bad very much in the heart. It flies home
places the firewood load on on the ground. You and sitting by the desk having a meal together equally at ordinary times
go back to the room to sleep after having meal
keep sleeping until morning of the next day and get up. What life of living than this kind of tacit understanding
rational division of work is there more satisfactorily? But the bird has received the friend's instigation
did not think of going in the forest the next day
said that has been treating o of theirs in the clothes all the time by oneself
bee fool for a long time
should is it work to exchange now
matter in home should everybody wheel is it do to e. Though the mouse and sausage advise earnestly
it is most rational to explain them and divide the work like this
may just continue maintaining normal life like this. But the bird closes one's ears to
adheres to its proposition. Finally
o of it have to obey it. They have determined such division of labour by me of drawing lots: The sausage goes to carry the firewood
the mouse cooks
the bird goes to carry water. When if people have left the suitable work position done by oneself
what results will there? 唔知ok唔ok
参考: dreye 7.0
The mouse
the bird and the sausage past
some mouse
a bird and a sausage lived in a family
they lived together in peace and harmony
the life has filled happy and is joyful. Their division of labor and cooperation
the accumulation unceasingly increases
changes extremely wealthily. The bird flies every day to the forest in holds the firewood to e back; The mouse load water
lights a fire
to arrange the dining table; The sausage responsibly prepares food. A person lives too *** oothly
can start to change depends
can think the method plays the new pattern. One day
the bird has run into other friend
it very proud mentions the satisfied present situation to the friend which oneself lives. That bird actually ridiculed it is a pitiful fool
said it laboriously works in outside
another o partners treat in the home do relaxed living: After the mouse lights a fire every day
the load water returns to in own room to lie down the rest
to the time which ate meal only then suspends the furniture
on tablecloth. The sausage sits nearby the bowl
besides looked food boils the situation which boils
any matter all does not do. To had to eat meal
only adds as soon as lubricates
the salt calculates settles
did not do to a minute. The bird has listened to these speeches
in the heart very is not a taste. It flies goes home
puts the shoulder pole for firewood on the place. When everybody peace sits equally together in the table eats meal
after dines all returns to the room to sleep
continuously rests to the second day morning gets up. What also has to live this kind of tacit understanding
the rational division of labor life is more satisng than? (Zhong a little
could subsidy) but the bird receive friend's instigating
second days did not think in the forest has gone
added oneself continuously treated their o in the clothing
has been the very long fool
now should exchange works
the housework should everybody turn do. Although the mouse and the sausage persuades with hardship
clarified they divide the work like this reasonably
like this only then possibly continue to maintain the normal life. But the bird turns a deaf ear to
persists its proposition. Finally
its pairs have to be suitable it.
The mouse
the bird and the sausage past
some mouse
a bird and a sausage lived in a family
they lived together in peace and harmony
the life has filled happy and is joyful. Their division of labor and cooperation
the accumulation unceasingly increases
changes extremely wealthily. The bird flies every day to the forest in holds the firewood to e back; The mouse load water
lights a fire
to arrange the dining table; The sausage responsibly prepares food. A person lives too *** oothly
can start to change depends
can think the method plays the new pattern. One day
the bird has run into other friend
it very proud mentions the satisfied present situation to the friend which oneself lives. That bird actually ridiculed it is a pitiful fool
said it laboriously works in outside
another o partners treat in the home do relaxed living: After the mouse lights a fire every day
the load water returns to in own room to lie down the rest
to the time which ate meal only then suspends the furniture
铺 on tablecloth. The sausage sits nearby the bowl
besides looked food boils the situation which boils
any matter all does not do. To had to eat meal
only adds as soon as lubricates
the salt calculates settles
did not do to a minute. The bird has listened to these speeches
in the heart very is not a taste. It flies goes home
puts the shoulder pole for firewood on the place. When everybody peace sits equally together in the table eats meal
after dines all returns to the room to sleep
continuously rests to the second day morning gets up. What also has to live this kind of tacit understanding
the rational division of labor life is more satisng than? (Zhong a little
could subsidy) but the bird receive friend's instigating
second days did not think in the forest has gone
added oneself continuously treated their o in the clothing
has been the very long fool
now should exchange works
the housework should everybody turn do. Although the mouse and the sausage persuades with hardship
clarified they divide the work like this reasonably
like this only then possibly continue to maintain the normal life. But the bird turns a deaf ear to
persists its proposition. Finally
its pairs have to be suitable it.
A mouse
a bird
and a sausage. One upon a time
there is a mouse
a bird and a sausage living together in a house. They get along with each other peacefully and their lives are full of joy. Everyday the bird flies to the forest to get woods
the mouse gets water from the river and sets up fire and dining table and the sausage prepares the dinner. They divide their work efficiently and bee rich as time goes. One bees lazy when living long in fort
and would tend to think sideways. One day
the bird meets another friend and told him about her cozy living style
her friend laughed at him saying she's a pathetic fool to work so hard outside while leaving her o peers taking rest at home: the mouse just take rest after lighting the fire & prepare water buckets and only need to set up the dining table when the eating time es; the sausage just needs to watch the food cooking without doing any work apart from adding sauces in the pan with less than a minute's time. Having listened to her friend's ments
the bird felt bad. She flied back home and put down the woods and dined with her peers as usual
and then go to bad until the next morning. What kind of life is more satisng than this
with good division of labor and panionship? However
the bird
being influenced by her friends
does not want to go to the forest anymore
and blamed her friends for making her like a fool for so long and suggested to rotate their tasks. While the mouse & sausage tried to persuade sincerely
explaining how this division of labor could maintain their normal lifestyle
but the bird doesn't want to listen & insists her suggestion. Mouse & sausage could not but agree to the bird. They decided their new division of labor by drawing lots: sausage goes to collect woods
mouse perpare the dinner and the bird go to get waters. What would happen when a man left a position that is suitable for him? -- ps 功课应该自己做
In the past
a mouse
a bird and a sausage lived in a piece of family in the mouse
bird and sausage
they live in harmony
life is full of happiness and happy. Cooperation that they divide the work
accumulate and increase constantly
bee very rich. The bird flies to the forest to hold in the mouth the firewood to e back every day; The mouse carries water
lights the fire
assigns the dining table; The sausage is responsible for cooking. A person lives a too *** ooth life
will begin to change and hang on
will try to play with the new variety . Have one day
the bird has run into another friend
it is very proud to the friend to speak of the pleasure current situation of one's own life. It is a pitiful fool but that bird laughs at it
say that it works arduously outside
work to be it is relaxed to do of another o partners at homed: Get back to one's own room to lie down to have a rest after the mouse is born the fire
carrying water each time
when having a meal go to put the desk chair
spread the tablecloth. Other in the bowl sits in the sausage
the situation boiled except seeing the food
all kinds of thing capitals are done. When having a meal
add any oil
even if salt get over
finish one one minute only. The bird listens to the words
feels bad very much in the heart. It flies home
places the firewood load on on the ground. You and sitting by the desk having a meal together equally at ordinary times
go back to the room to sleep after having meal
been sleeping all the time to get up until the morning of the next day. More satisfactorily that what lives than the life of this kind of tacit understanding
rational division of work? (have a little secondly
will replenish) But the bird has received the friend's instigation
did not think of going in the forest the next day
said that has been treating o of theirs in the clothes all the time by oneself
have bee a fool for a long time
should exchange and work now
matter in home should everybody's wheel is e to do. Though the mouse and sausage advise earnestly
it is most rational to explain them and divide the work like this
may just continue maintaining normal life like this. But the bird closes one's ears to
adheres to its proposition. Finally
o of it have to obey it . They have determined such division of labour by me of drawing lots: The sausage goes to carry the firewood
the mouse cooks
the bird goes to carry water. When if people have left the suitable work position done by oneself
what results will there? Supplement time: 2007-01-01 13:44:02 The sausage sets out to the forest
the bird is given birth to and broken out a fire
a good bowl of mouse
wait for sausage is it take on igs spent second day to e to e back home only. But sausage is it e back for a long time to go
it o realize that it will certainly meet accident . The bird flew out to look for sausages along the path at once
but it did not find far that there is a dog on the road when flying
the dog says that it has met the pitiful *** all sausage
regards it as the prey that can be prayed on to get hold of and eat up. The bird criticizes dogs to rob publicly
mits murder. But all words have been already of no use
because the dog says that it finds that the job of sausage and its identity do not accord with
conclude it is the spy disguising it
just kill it like this. The bird held in the mouth the igs and came back home very sadly
what has been seen and heard oneself had all told mice. He and mouse are very sorrowful
but o of theirs agree
had better live together .
参考: 自己
