
单句改错 指出哪个错了改成什么:
(1) She plays piano every day.
(2) You play basketball good.
(3) Emma can speaks English.
(4) Then you can be at our school music festival.
(5) Come and show we.
(6) Are you watch TV every day?
June likes really action movies.
She often gos to see Beijing Opera with her father.
Mike father likes action movies.
It is a interesting thing.

1)play 后面加 the ,因为piano是乐器,如果play后接体育运动就不要冠词the
2)good 改为 well 因为这里是要修饰play,play是动词,应该有副词well修饰,而不是形容词词性的good
3)speaks改为speak ,情态动词 can后面要接动词原形
4)school 改为school's 因为是我们学校的音乐会
5)we 改为 us 因为show 是动词,动词后面要接宾格的us
6)are 改为 do,因为后面有every day 表示这应该用一般现在时表习惯。而这里动词为watch,,主语是you又是问句,所以要使用助动词do
7)really 改为real,really是副词,真正地,而这里修饰名词action movies 要用形容词real
8)gos 改为goes,辅音加o结尾,应该加es
9)Mike改为Mike‘s 意思为Mike 的爸爸
10) a 改为an, interesting 是元音开头的单词
第1个回答  2011-12-12
1. plays the piano,乐器前要加the
2. good改成well,修饰动词要用副词
3. can后面加动词原形,speak
4. 这个真看不出,不好意思
5. we 改成 us,宾语使用代词时,代词要用宾格
6. are改成do,every day提示一般现在时
7. 这个不知道想表达什么,可以把really放到likes前面,修饰likes,或者把really改成real,修饰movies,总之副词修饰动词,形容词修饰名词
8. gos改成goes,拼写错误吗。。
9. Mike's,单数所有格是人名加'加s
10. a改成an,interesting元音开头
第2个回答  2011-12-12
1,plays piano改为 plays the piano
2, good 改为 well
3, speaks 改为speak
4, at 改为in
5, we 改为 me
6, are 改为 Do
7, 将really和likes 调换位置子。
8,gos 改为 goes
10, a 改为 an
第3个回答  2011-12-12
(1) She plays the piano every day.
(2) You play the basketball good.
(3) Emma can speak English.
(4) Then you can be on our school music festival.
(5) Come and show us.
(6) Do you watch TV every day?
Jane likes really action movies.
She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father.
Mike's father likes action movies.
It is a interested thing.
第4个回答  2011-12-12
1,plays the piano,在演奏乐器之前需要加定冠词 the
4,school‘s ,学校的!!
6,watching,be doing sth,
第5个回答  2011-12-12
1.She plays the piano every day.
2.You play basketball well.
3.Emma can speak English.
4.Then you could have been at our school music festival.
5.Come and show us.
6.Do you watch TV every day?
June really likes action movies.
gos改goes mike加所有格 a-an