prefer to do 和 would rather do的否定形式可一般疑问句


prefer to do否定形式:prefer not to do
would rather do否定形式: would rather not do
做这种题很简单,由于它们两个都是词组,都是以。。。do sth或。。。to do sth,一般我们不是以don't do来写否定句的吗?(e.g:I don't go home,我没有回家)你只要记住当它们为否定形式时,在动词(do)前加not就行,但也要看情况,有时也加don't,doesn't或didn't,要看时间。
prefer not to do一般疑问句:Do you prefer to do ……?
would rather do一般疑问句:Would you rather do……?
prefer not to do中没有be动词,所以要以要在Do.Does或Did中选一个(要看是第几人称),它们后也接人称(Do/Does/Did+sb...)
would rather do中would可以提前,变成 Would you rather do……?
第1个回答  2011-10-24
否定:prefer not to do would rather not do
一般疑问句:Do you prefer to do ……? Would you rather do……?本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-10-24
应该是prefer not to do would rather not do
一般疑问句:Do you prefer to do ……? Would you rather do……?
第3个回答  2012-10-25
否定:prefer not to do would rather not do
一般疑问句:Do you prefer to do ……? Would you rather do……?