

您好,很高兴为您解答!1.Where is the book?
It's on the desk. 书在哪里? 它在课桌上。2.Where's my bag?
It's on your table.我的书包在哪里? 它在你的桌子上。3.Where is the ball? It's in your room.皮球在哪里? 他在你的房间里。4.Where is the pen? It's in the box. 钢笔在哪里? 它在盒子里。 5.Where's my sweater? It's in the closet.我的毛衣在哪里? 它在衣橱里。6.Where's my kite? It's in the sky. 我的风筝在哪里? 它在天上。 7.Where is my dog? It's in the kennel. 我的狗在哪里? 它在狗窝。8.Where is the spoon? It's on the table.勺子在哪里? 它在桌子上。