
N=Nut P=Pea shooter S=Sunflower
N:Oh,God,don't!! oh,kill him. oh thanks, man, I was close,
P:Yeah, thanks for holding them up.
S:Yeah, we appreciate it. Pea shooter, shoot at his head.
N;Wo..w wo..w.. what???
P:Hang on.
S:He was beaten by a zombie, that means he's a zombie now.
P:Hey,hey, this guy just saved our lives, and now we are gonna KILL him?!
S:Ah, yeah. he's trying into one of them.
N:US? THEM? listen to you! you wanna know who the real bad guy is? the guy who sits in that house and expects us to die for his safety.
P:Yeah,see? plants need to stick together.
N:Here is an idea. Instead of standing outta here and guarding this house, we go IN his house and eat his brain.
P:Yeah! go in there and eat his. b...???wait, what?
S:Yeah~definitely, he's a zombie.
N:Oh, well ,okay, I can so prove I'm not.Just lean over here and I will take a little nib on your plant head.
P:Eh, eh, how is that..
N:I won't enjoy it, okay? I mean a ZOMBIE would enjoy it, you know, eating your brain, your big, delicious, juicy plant brain.
P:Ah, God, I'm so sorry,man.
N:What? no!!c'mon!!, ah ah..oh Go..
S:You did a right thing. Totally. You have no other choice. Ah,wow!! let's talk about this....