

were 是=动词,过去时,
1. used to talk about the past
Were is the plural form and the second personsingular form of the past tense of be.
They were only fifty miles from the coast.
You were about twelve at the time.
2. used in conditional clauses
Were has a special use in conditional clauses whenthese clauses are used to mention situations that donot exist, or events that are unlikely to happen. Whenthe subject of the clause is I, he, she, it, there, or asingular noun, were is sometimes used instead of'was', especially in formal writing.
If I were in his circumstances, I would do the same.
If the law were changed, it would not benefit women.
In conversation and in less formal writing, peopleusually use was.
If I was an architect, I'd re-design this house.
If the business was properly run this wouldn't happen.
DID 做= 动词,过去时;
第1个回答  2017-02-10
and once again wished