
1. He had made a point of asking to meet her again

2. For a moment he was stunned into silence by this new learning.

3.Rather than a particular method, the success of science has more to do with an attitude common to scientists.

3. Still, it has robbed him of virtually all movement.

4. In the selection, the author expounds his views on these questions, throwing light on mature

5. In the press, I’m described as a flamboyant leader, a kind of fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants operator.

1. He had made a point of asking to meet her again

2. For a moment he was stunned into silence by this new learning.
3.Rather than a particular method, the success of science has more to do with an attitude common to scientists.

3. Still, it has robbed him of virtually all movement
这个有歧义 不联系上下文说不准的 我想的是 然而,它几乎剥夺了他再进行活动的权利

4. In the selection, the author expounds his views on these questions, throwing light on mature

5. In the press, I’m described as a flamboyant leader, a kind of fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants operator.在媒体界,我被描述成了一个声名显赫的领导者,一种对权利有很强的掌控能力的管理者
第1个回答  2007-09-27
1. 他指出想要和她再次见面
2. 他被新学到的东西愣住了一会
3. 科学的成就更多的与科学家的态度有关而不是某些特殊的方法
4. 尽管如此, 这还是在实质上掠夺了他所有的动作
5. 在抉择中, 作者详细说明了这些问题, 将见解留在了深思熟虑的手段上
6. 在新闻里, 我是一个显耀的领袖, 一种凭借自己能力做事的行家.