
I bought a clock in a shop on last Sunday 1.____________
afternoon. This morning, however, I found that it didn't worked. 2._________
So I went back the shop with it. The shop assistant asked me 3.___________
whether I had not followed(按照)the instructions(说明)and 4.__________
used it in the right way. I told him I konw how to use. 5.____________
After he hears this, he tried it and also found that 6.__________
there was anything wrong with the clock. Then I wanted 7.___________
him to tack it back and gave the money back to me, 8.__________
and he refused. He asked me to change it for another 9.__________
one. Finally I have got a new clock and it works wll now. 10.__________

1. on (去掉)
2. work
3. to
4. not (去掉)
5. it
6. heard
7. something
8. give
9. but
10. have (去掉)
第1个回答  2012-01-15

1. 去掉on
2. worked改成work
3. back和the中间加入to
4. 去掉not
5. 最后一个use后面加上it
6. hears改成heard
7. anything改成something
8. gave改成give
9. and改成but
10. 去掉have


第2个回答  2012-01-14
1 on 去掉
2 worked.变成work
3 back后面加to
4 and 变or
5 konw变knew
6 hears变heared
7 anything 变something
8 tack 变take
10 works变worked