
A man set out on a long journey. He took his(1)______ and his donkey(驴) with him. He put all (2)______(him) goods(货物) on the conkey s back. The goods were so (3)_______that the poor donkey could hardly move.
The donkey was tired, so he (4)_______ (ask) the horse for help. Hle said to the horse,"Please help me carry some of the goods. I don't think I caun carry it all alone."
But the horse (5)______ (refuse) to help the donkey. He said,"The only thing I carry is my master. I don't want to cary any goods."
The donkey walked on. He was too tired.but the end.he (6)______ (die).
The man (7)______(pick) up the goods and pul all his goods on the back (8)_______ the horse. He said to the horse,"Now your have to carry the goods. You will have to carry the (9)______(donkey) body until we find a place to bury(螺葬) it."
The horse was (10)______ (real) sorry for what he did.

