
The price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else.


The price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else.

这里是sth. is linked to sth. 那些特定商品和服务的价格,是跟一个复杂的价格系统联系在一起的,在这个系统里面所有的东西似乎都或多或少地与其他东西有关联。

system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else.

这个由which 引导的定语从句,来修饰是怎样的价格系统, 是一个“在这系统里面所有东西都。。。。”的系统

句子还原是 everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else in the system.
which相当于the system

平时正常的是先有引导词which再引出句子,如system of prices which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else in

in/ during/ on / at which .....
这里要表示在。。。里面,所以是in which

例如 This is the place where I lived before.
等于 This is the place which I lived in before
This is the place in which I lived before
第1个回答  2012-01-04
everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else in prices.
in which = in prices 理解了吗?
第2个回答  2012-01-04
这里的in wicth ,指的是wicth后面的从句所说的内容,整句话的意思是:任何特定的产品或服务的价格或多或少关联到其(in witch)广泛的复杂的系统的价格。