


(1) 由名词、代词(人称代词要用宾格)、不定式、动名词、(宾语)从句充当,表示动作的承受者是"谁"或者是"何物"。如: The angel also came to Joseph and told him the same thing.(那个天使同样来到约瑟夫面前并且告诉他同样的事情。)(代词和名词充当两个宾语) / He told me that the company could not afford to pay him so much money.(他告诉我说公司付不起他那么多的钱。)(不定式作宾语) / They enjoy watching football games so much that they often forget their lessons.(他们如此喜爱看足球以至于常常忘记了他们的功课。)(动名词作宾语) / I think to be a children's doctor is very rewarding.(我认为当个儿童医生是很值得的。)(从句作宾语)

(2) 只有及物动词或介词才有宾语,不及物动词没有宾语,如果涉及到事物,则必须在不及物动词后面加合适的介词。Listen to the radio. (listen不是及物动词,故加to。) / Can you hear anything exciting?(你能听到什么令人兴奋的消息吗?)

(3) 宾语一般放在及物动词或介词的后面,但是在疑问句中,如果宾语是疑问词,则宾语要放在句首。介词的宾语如果是疑问词,则可以放在介词后或句首。如:What did he see? (他看见了什么?) / What does he write a letter with? (他用什么写的信?) / With what does he write a letter? (他用什么写的信?)

(4)"动词+副词+宾语"结构中,如果宾语是代词,则代词必须放在"动""副"之间。如:Please put the shoes away. (请把鞋子收起来。) / Please put away the shoes. (请把鞋子收起来。) / Please put them away. (请把它们收起来。)

(5) 动词后面跟双宾语时可以采用两种结构:

①动词+间接宾语(人)+直接宾语(物)。如:He often gives me some help. (他常常帮我。)

②动词+直接宾语+介词+间接宾语。注意,一般情况介词用to,但动词是make, buy, borrow时,介词用for.如: Please make me a kite. (请给我做个风筝。)或Please make a kite for me.

(6) 在"动词+宾语+宾补"结构中,如果宾语是不定式、动名词、宾语从句,则常用it做形式宾语,而将实际的宾语移到补语后面去。如:I found the job rather difficult. (我发觉这个工作相当难做。) / I found it rather difficult to do the job.

(7) 宾语可以由从句充当,详见"宾语从句"。



  ○1 时间副词:often, always, usually, early, ago, already, before, ever, late, now, soon, since, tomorrow, just now …

  ○2 地点副词:here, there, above, below, outside, anywhere, back, down, home, out, everywhere …

  ○3 方式副词:hard, well, badly, fast, slowly, angrily, simply, carefully …

  ○4 程度副词:very, quite, much, still, almost, little, too, enough …

  ○5 疑问副词:how, when, where, why …

  ○6 关系副词:when, where, why … (引导定语从句)

  ○7 连接副词:how, when, where, why, whether …

  ○8 频率副词:often, seldom, usually, never, sometimes, every day, always, hardly …

  ○9 其他副词:really, certainly, surely, maybe …


  ○1 作状语 : He can finish the work easily .

  ○2 作定语(要后置) : The students here are from Harbin .

  ○3 作表语 : I must be off now .

  ○4 作宾补,构成复合宾语 : Show him up . I saw him out with my sister last night .

  3.副词的比较级和最高级。(一般加 er / est ,不规则见表)

  ○1 副词的原级:

  A. as + 副词的原级 + as "与…一样"

  B. not as(so) + 副词的原级 + as "与…不一样"

  C. too + 副词的原级 + to do sth . "太…而不能"

  D. so + 副词的原级 + that 从句 "如此…以致于…"

  E. 副词的原级 + enough to do sth . "足够…能做…"

  ○2 副词的比较级:

  A.A + 动词 + 副词比较级 + than + B

  B.副词比较级前也可以用 much, even, still, far, any, a little, a bit, a lot 等修饰。

  C.比较级 + and + 比较级,表示"越来越…",the more … the more … 表示"越…就越…"

  D.副词的最高级前通常不加定冠词 the .
第1个回答  2011-10-11
给你举个例子吧。我要去吃饭。其中,我是主语,吃是谓语,饭就是宾语了。通俗得讲,主语就是要做动作的人或物。谓语就是动作了,宾语就是动作的承受者。再比如说,我打你。你就是“打”的承受者。而副词就是相当我们中文的“地”,如慢慢地。轻轻地。他的位置不是固定的。不过放在宾语前面的情况比较多。比如I run out quicly.或者i quicky run out.都是不要紧的。对于英语来说,句子的成分分析很重要,以后还要学宾语、主语、同位语、状语等从句所以你要努力了哈。还有,向你推荐下英语高考必备的那本词典,后面有很详细的解答,希望对你有帮助!本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-10-11
第3个回答  2011-10-16