
单词 ,要单词,怎么发音?

to too two
their there
bear beer bere
pear pair
month mouth
discrete---discreet 分离的---慎重的

flea---flee 跳蚤---逃走

solitary---solidary 独自的---团结一致的

humility---humidity 谦逊---湿度

intimidate---imitate---intimate 恐吓---模仿---亲密的

aptitude---attitude---eptitude---latitude---altitude 天资---态度---合适---纬度---海拔

quality---quantity 质量---数量

towel---tower 毛巾---塔

genes---jeans 基因---牛仔裤

sheet---shit 床单---大便

hole---whole 洞---全部的

hart---heart 雄鹿---心脏

crash---crush 交锋---压碎

labor---label 劳动---标签

waist---west---vest 腰部---西边---汗衫

plan---plain---plane 计划---平原---飞机

stall---store 兽栏---储存

1.alter v. 改变,改动

altar n. 祭坛;圣坛

2.bare adj. 赤裸的;光秃地

bear n. 熊;vt. 承受

3.baron n. 男爵

barren a. 贫瘠的,荒芜的


5.bough n. 大树枝

bow v. 点头,鞠躬

6.brake n. v.刹车

break v. n.破坏,损坏,破裂

7.bread n. 面包

bred 为breed(v.生育,繁殖)的过去时或过去分词


9.cell n. 细胞, 小牢房, 电池

sell v. n. 卖, 出售

10.chord n.和弦,和音, 心弦

cord n. 细绳

11.cite v. 引用, 引证

sight n. 视力, 看见

site n.位置, 场所

12.coarse a. 粗的, 粗劣的

course n. 课程, 过程, 路线

13.complement n. 补充

compliment n. .称赞, 恭维话

14.core n. 果核, 核心

corps n. 军, 部队, 团体

15.councilor n.顾问

counselor n.顾问, 律师, 指导教师

16.dam n. 坝

damn v. 咒骂, 诅咒


18.desert vt. 抛弃, 遗弃

dessert n. 甜点心

19.dew n. 露珠, 滴

due a. 应付的, 欠

20.die v. 死

dye n. 燃料

21.discreet a. 谨慎的

discrete a.. 分离的, 不连续的



23.fair adj. 公正的

fare n 车费;船费

24.flower n. 花

flour n. 面粉

25.forth adv. 向前方

fourth 第四

26.fur n. 皮毛

fir n. 冷杉;枫木

27.gorilla n. 大猩猩

guerrilla n.游击队员

28.hair n.头发

hare n. 野兔

29.hall n. 大厅

haul v. 拖曳

30.heal v. 治愈

heel n. 脚后跟

31.hear v. 听见

here 这里

32.heroin n. 女英雄

heroine n.海洛因

33.hole n. 洞

whole 整个的

34.in prep. 在

inn n. 酒店

35.isle n. 岛

aisle n. 过道

36.knight n.骑士

night n. 夜晚

37.knot n.节(距离)

not 不

38.know 知道

no 不

39.lane n.. 小路;小巷;胡同

lain lie的过去分词

40.maid n. 女子

made make的过去式

41.meat n. 肉

meet v. 遇见

42.new adj. 新的

knew know的过去式

43.pail n. 桶

pale 苍白的

44.peace n. 和平

piece 片,张

45.plain adj. 平坦的

plane n. 飞机

46.pray v. 祈祷

prey n. 牺牲品

47.rain n. 雨

rein n .缰绳

reign n. 王国;领域;统治

48.right 右

write v.写

49.ring n. 戒指

wring v. 拧

50.role n. 任务

roll v. 滚动

51.root n. 根

route n .路线

52.sail v. 航行

sale v. 卖

53.scene n. 景色

seen see的过去分词

54.scent n. 气味;香味

cent 分(钱)

55.sea n. 海

see v. 看见

56.seam n. 缝隙;接合处

seem 好像

57.shear v.剪;砍

sheer v.偏航


sow v. 播种

sew sow的过去式

59.sole 单独的

soul n. 灵魂

60.some 一些

sum 量

61.son n. 儿子

sun n. 太阳

62. stair n. 楼梯

stare v. 瞪

63.steal v. 偷

steel n. 钢

64.straight adj. 直接的

strait n.. 海峡

65.suite n. 套房

sweet adj. 甜的

66.tail n. 尾巴

tale n. 故事;神话

67.their 他们的

there 那儿

68.through 通过

threw throw的过去式

69.vain adj. 徒劳的;无效的

vein n. 静脉

70.weak adj. 微弱的

week n. 一周
第1个回答  2011-10-08

法耶 怎么发音?要单词


额, 我要写音标上来吗
there那儿/their他们的 [ðɛə]
pair一双,一对/pear梨 [pɛə]
beach海滩/bitch淫妇 [bi:tʃ]
through通过/threw(throw的过去式,扔) [θru:]
for和four 发音也一样[fɔ:]

第2个回答  2011-10-08
accessary, accessory
ad, add
ail, ale
air, heir
aisle, I'll, isle
all, awl
allowed, aloud
alms, arms
altar, alter
arc, ark
aren't, aunt
ate, eight
auger, augur
auk, orc
aural, oral
away, aweigh
awe, oar, or, ore
axel, axle
aye, eye, I
bail, bale
bait, bate
baize, bays
bald, bawled
ball, bawl
band, banned
bard, barred
bare, bear
bark, barque
baron, barren
base, bass
bay, bey
bazaar, bizarre
be, bee
beach, beech
bean, been
beat, beet
beau, bow
beer, bier
bel, bell, belle
berry, bury
berth, birth
bight, bite, byte
billed, build
bitten, bittern
blew, blue
bloc, block
boar, bore
board, bored
boarder, border
bold, bowled
boos, booze
born, borne
bough, bow
boy, buoy
brae, bray
braid, brayed
braise, brays, braze
brake, break
bread, bred
brews, bruise
bridal, bridle
broach, brooch
bur, burr
but, butt
buy, by, bye
buyer, byre
calendar, calender
call, caul
canvas, canvass
cast, caste
caster, castor
caught, court
caw, core, corps
cede, seed
ceiling, sealing
cell, sell
censer, censor, sensor
cent, scent, sent
cereal, serial
cheap, cheep
check, cheque
choir, quire
chord, cord
cite, sight, site
clack, claque
clew, clue
climb, clime
close, cloze
coal, kohl
coarse, course
coign, coin
colonel, kernel
complacent, complaisant
complement, compliment
coo, coup
cops, copse
council, counsel
cousin, cozen
creak, creek
crews, cruise
cue, kyu, queue
curb, kerb
currant, current
cymbol, symbol
dam, damn
days, daze
dear, deer
descent, dissent
desert, dessert
deviser, divisor
dew, due
die, dye
discreet, discrete
doe, doh, dough
done, dun
douse, dowse
draft, draught
dual, duel
earn, urn
eery, eyrie
ewe, yew, you
faint, feint
fah, far
fair, fare
farther, father
fate, fête
faun, fawn
fay, fey
faze, phase
feat, feet
ferrule, ferule
few, phew
fie, phi
file, phial
find, fined
fir, fur
fizz, phiz
flair, flare
flaw, floor
flea, flee
flex, flecks
flew, flu, flue
floe, flow
flour, flower
foaled, fold
for, fore, four
foreword, forward
fort, fought
forth, fourth
foul, fowl
franc, frank
freeze, frieze
friar, fryer
furs, furze
gait, gate
galipot, gallipot
gallop, galop
gamble, gambol
gays, gaze
genes, jeans
gild, guild
gilt, guilt
giro, gyro
gnaw, nor
gneiss, nice
gorilla, guerilla
grate, great
greave, grieve
greys, graze
grisly, grizzly
groan, grown
guessed, guest
hail, hale
hair, hare
hall, haul
hangar, hanger
hart, heart
haw, hoar, whore
hay, hey
heal, heel, he'll
hear, here
heard, herd
he'd, heed
heroin, heroine
hew, hue
hi, high
higher, hire
him, hymn
ho, hoe
hoard, horde
hoarse, horse
holey, holy, wholly
hour, our
idle, idol
in, inn
indict, indite
it's, its
jewel, joule
key, quay
knave, nave
knead, need
knew, new
knight, night
knit, nit
knob, nob
knock, nock
knot, not
know, no
knows, nose
laager, lager
lac, lack
lade, laid
lain, lane
lam, lamb
laps, lapse
larva, lava
lase, laze
law, lore
lay, ley
lea, lee
leach, leech
lead, led
leak, leek
lean, lien
lessen, lesson
levee, levy
liar, lyre
licence, license
licker, liquor
lie, lye
lieu, loo
links, lynx
lo, low
load, lode
loan, lone
locks, lox
loop, loupe
loot, lute
made, maid
mail, male
main, mane
maize, maze
mall, maul
manna, manner
mantel, mantle
mare, mayor
mark, marque
marshal, martial
marten, martin
mask, masque
maw, more
me, mi
mean, mien
meat, meet, mete
medal, meddle
metal, mettle
meter, metre
might, mite
miner, minor, mynah
mind, mined
missed, mist
moat, mote
mode, mowed
moor, more
moose, mousse
morning, mourning
muscle, mussel
naval, navel
nay, neigh
nigh, nye
none, nun
od, odd
ode, owed
oh, owe
one, won
packed, pact
packs, pax
pail, pale
pain, pane
pair, pare, pear
palate, palette, pallet
pascal, paschal
paten, patten, pattern
pause, paws, pores, pours
pawn, porn
pea, pee
peace, piece
peak, peek, peke, pique
peal, peel
pearl, purl
pedal, peddle
peer, pier
pi, pie
plain, plane
pleas, please
plum, plumb
pole, poll
practice, practise
praise, prays, preys
principal, principle
profit, prophet
quarts, quartz
quean, queen
rain, reign, rein
raise, rays, raze
rap, wrap
raw, roar
read, reed
read, red
real, reel
reek, wreak
rest, wrest
retch, wretch
review, revue
right, rite, wright, write
ring, wring
road, rode
roe, row
role, roll
root, route
rose, rows
rote, wrote
rough, ruff
rouse, rows
rung, wrung
rye, wry
saver, savour
spade, spayed
sale, sail
sane, seine
satire, satyr
sauce, source
saw, soar, sore
scene, seen
scull, skull
sea, see
seam, seem
sear, seer, sere
seas, sees, seize
sew, so, sow
shake, sheikh
shear, sheer
shoe, shoo
sic, sick
side, sighed
sign, sine
sink, synch
slay, sleigh
sloe, slow
sole, soul
some, sum
son, sun
sort, sought
spa, spar
staid, stayed
stair, stare
stake, steak
stalk, stork
stationary, stationery
steal, steel
stile, style
storey, story
straight, strait
sweet, suite
swat, swot
tacks, tax
tale, tail
talk, torque
tare, tear
taught, taut, tort
te, tea, tee
team, teem
tear, tier
teas, tease
terce, terse
tern, turn
there, their, they're
threw, through
throes, throws
throne, thrown
thyme, time
tic, tick
tide, tied
tire, tyre
to, too, two
toad, towed
tole, toll
ton, tun
tor, tore
tough, tuff
troop, troupe
tuba, tuber
vain, vane, vein
vale, veil
vial, vile
wail, wale, whale
wain, wane
waist, waste
wait, weight
waive, wave
war, wore
ware, wear, where
warn, worn
wart, wort
watt, what
wax, whacks
way, weigh, whey
we, wee, whee
weak, week
we'd, weed
weal, we'll, wheel
wean, ween
weather, whether
weaver, weever
weir, we're
were, whirr
wet, whet
wheald, wheeled
which, witch
whig, wig
while, wile
whine, wine
whirled, world
whit, wit
white, wight
who's, whose
wood, would
yaw, yore, your, you're
yoke, yolk
you'll, yule
第3个回答  2011-10-08
beach bitch追问

你好像你 吗 了 个 币。瞅瞅你这点文化,


what the fuck are you little pussy talking about?!
ye,you have your fucking shit,so why come here and ask for your daddy's cock?!
i gave you tow words become i didn't wanna give you a ass shit!
shut your ass up
do you wanna me give you a horse c for your black ass!
fuck ya!!!!!!!


Get your ass close,
first learn how to do Chinese, in society morality.
Don't do this, all from your mother




难道宝贝,你就不能用正常人的口气说话么,你上学,学嘚了吧?一会文言文的,一会 英格丽是。我在这看你装.比 我真没劲啊我。得喝的呢?
