

LS的不错 你选他的吧 挺标准 不过就是有几个问题。。= = 首先, 你在句子里用的 I’m 太多了。。 人家听的都会烦。 试着删掉几个没用的。 比如说 第一句 直接说 hello everyone, I'm xxx, who's a twenty-two-year old guy/ girl.
再有就是 计算机证书 人家是三级= = 加上个 3rd level of certificate之类的。 都是些小问题。

最后内段, 最好别用 put company and our client's benefits ahead... 一听就觉得假= = 老板啥的也不会信= = 用一个 in front of my other personal business就可以了。 意思就是 先公后私。 把公司的利益放在第一位, 而且就比较委婉。 顺便祝你应聘成功哈 加油~

顺便再说下= = 我建议你最好还是选楼上吧 他内挺标准=- =【不过呢~ 如果你一定要选我的的的话 我也是没有办法地~~~】
第1个回答  2012-02-27
hello, everone, i'm XXX, i'm twenty two years old. i'm very glad ti join this eployment meeting. i graduated from Physics department in HAERBONA Normal University. i already got pass from CET4 with scores 539. and i got the cetificate for computer using.
i'm a open ,optimistic and responsible man, my expressing is good, and i like making friends . i think i will put our company and our client's benefits ahead, and try my best to sevice my company and my clients.
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