

Beethoven is a great composer, pianist, musician who created a lots of immortal masterpieces in his life time.This is his 109 works which created in 1820 to 1821 after he became deaf , experienced a period of crisis ,explored many European countries' folk-music,and copmleted the change from heroic style to the iyrical style with a strong patriotic spirit gradually. Eventhough Beethoven is a man playing a decisive role in the classical feild, I have senced a romantic side in his works while learning it,as well as got a feeling of playing.In this paper I will tell some feeling for Beethoven and for learning this works .

第1个回答  2012-02-27
Beethoven has created a lot of great monuments, is a great composer and pianist, musician. This first number 109 works, is Beethoven's 1820 to 1821 of the creation, and this is his first works from after hearing loss has had a crisis period, a large number of exploration of the European countries folk songs, strong patriotic spirit, and gradually from hero sex style to lyricism of the change of style after the period to complete. Although Beethoven is classical send important figures, but I'm learning this first works feeling in his works of romantic side, and got a lot of playing the feeling, in this article I will surely show oneself through this piece of Beethoven's feeling and practice this first work feeling.