
50 . If he dare to come again , I'll punish him .
51 . How much is your weight?
52 . The bus by which he goes to school every day is a red one .
53 . Is this the book your father bought it for you?
54 . His teacher praised his progress in studies .
55 . I shall be back after three days .
56 . He gets up not as early as I .
57 . Do you think what his name is?
58 . He looked sad at me .
59 . Why don't ask your teacher for help?
60 . Need I go now? Yes , you need .
61 . Although he is old , but he works hard .
62 . The train station is ten li far from here .
63 . We'll begin the meeting from seven o'clock .
64 . I saw them enter into the room .
65 . His parents are all teachers .
66 . He told us not to lose our hearts to TV .
67 . They have arrived here for three hours .
68 . How much is the area of China?
69 . Here is a piece of good news for you .
70 . He is unhappy . Neither is she .
71 . Who is that speaking? I'm John .
72 . Women of that days had not right to go to school .
73 . Let's join their discussion .
74 . Being very tired , so they went to bed early last night .
75 . He is a boy of seven years old .
76 . When did you reach yesterday?
77 . Are there a lot of books for us to read?
78 . He paid a visit of Japan last month .
79 . These pencils are many different colours .
80 . The meeting was put off , this was what we wanted .
81 . It's a too hot day to work outside the room .
82 . Please read the text two times .
83 . Thank your help .
84 . There is no air and water on the moon .
85 . His left eye is blind .
86 . I hope you to come again .
87 . Even it is raining , he will still go out .
88 . Whom do you think the house belong?
89 . When will you return back?
90 . The man robbed his money .
91 . Our team has won the game makes us happy .
92 . China is larger than any country in Asia .
93 . Hearing the sad news , tears came to her eyes .
94 . The flower is dead . You should give it more water .
95 . He hurried back quickly .
96 . We haven't been to America , too .
97 . The reason why he is absent is because he is badly ill .
98 . She got angry because what you said .
99 . She has beautiful hairs .
100 . The box is too heavy to move it .

50 . 去掉 to 或者dare→dares dare 可以用作情态动词,情态动词后接动词原型,dare也可以是一般的实意动词,在这里是在He后边因此要用三人称单数一般现在时,要在后面加s
51 . How much→What weight是名词,体重,因此只能用what来问, 就像问某人的名字,What is your name? 问某人的年龄 What is your age? 其中name 和age都是名词的。如果要用how much 的话,句子是 How much do you weigh? weigh是动词
52 . by which→in which 因为which指代前文的the bus ,很显然 by bus 中间不能加the,因此只能说是他乘坐的公交车 是一个定语从句咯。
53 . 去掉 it buy sth for sb,这个结构的sth 是省略了的引导定语从句并在定语从句中作宾语的that或者which啦,当然不能再加个宾语咯。
54 . 在 praised 后加 him for 这里我不太同意这种改法,是有praise sb for sth 的结构,但是也有praise sth, 把his progress当作sth来看,似乎也可以,我主要是觉得那个studies 前面要加the 或者his,来限定一下。 progress in sth 在某方面的进步,介词也是对的,progress本来也是不可数名词,时态什么的都是对的,一般改错题似乎只改一个地方,加减一个单词或者改一个单词,因此我在想是不是后边studies这块的问题,您斟酌吧。
55 . after→in shall 用在第一称是表将来和will 的用法差不多,在将来时中用 in 表示 多少时间之后,不用after。
56 . gets up not→doesn't get up 这个错很典型了,get不是 am,is,are,was,were,have,has,had 等词,也不是情态动词,那它的否定式就是在前面加助动词do或does 帮助构成否定句,not就放在do 或does之后了。
57 . Do you think what→What do you think 这个是规定,含有特殊疑问词的,特殊疑问词放在句首,然后其后按一般疑问句来变。
58 . sad→sadly 呵呵,这题也是典型的陷阱,look at 是动词词组,表示“看着”,这类动词词组必须用副词来修饰,look 是系动词时,一定可以翻译为“看起来”
59 . 在 don't 后加 you , 或改 don't→not 句型 Why don't you V ...? = Why not V...?
60 . Yes , you need . →Yes , you must . 这是特殊点的一般疑问句,人家问我需要走了吗?肯定回答是,是的,你必须走才对啊。 这种就记住就是了,还有一特殊的,Must I go now? Yes, you must. No, you don't have to. / No, you needn't.
61 .去掉 but 英语中 因为所以,虽然但是不见面, 具体原因不知道您们老师需要你们知道不,您可以查一下although 的作用,它是引导状语从句的,而but是什么词,它的作用又是什么,您就知道这两个为什么不见面的原因了。
62.去掉 far 对了,那个far的位置就是10 li的位置,两个2选一。
63 . from→at 在几点钟开始用介词at
64.去掉 into enter= go into 本身就含有into的意思了。
65.all→both all 指三者或三者以上的所有人,both只两者都,parents很显然只能是两个。
66.hearts→heart lose one's heart(这个词不变) to 沉迷与
67.arrived→been for three hours 是一个段时间,需要能够延续的动词,而arrive是个短暂动词,所以要换成been
68.How much→What 跟51题是同一类型的
69 . a piece of good news→a good piece of news
70 . Neither→So unhappy前的un是词缀,也就是unhappy是一个词,句中没有否定的结构,所以要用肯定形式的so。
71.I'm John . →This is John ( speaking ) .电话的专门用语。
72 . not→no have no right to do sth. don't / didin't have right to do sth.
73 .在 join 后加 in join in=take part in = be in 参加活动, join + 组织
74 . 去掉 so 前面的being结构不是一个完整的句子,不需要用连词so
75.去掉 years old 或 old→of age He is 7 years old. He is a 7-year-old boy. He is a boy of 7.
76 . reach→arrive reach sp = arrive at sp. = arrive in sp.= get to sp. reach 是一个及物动词,后边必须跟宾语,而arrive是一个不及物动词,后边不直接跟宾语,并且可以结句。
77.a lot of→many 这个我不知道,难道是 a lot of 不用在问句中?
78.of→to pay a visit to 固定搭配
79 . 在 are 后加 of be of + n 结构表示be + adj的意思
80 . this→which which引导的非限制性定语从句。
81 . a too hot day→too hot a day 要求a的位置是在这里
82 . two times→twice 一般两倍、两次用twice
83 . 此句应为:Thank you for your help . Thank you for sth.
84.and→or 否定句用 or
85.此句应为:He is blind in his left eye . 其实本来的那个句子现在也有用了。语言在变迁的。
86 . to→will hope 不能用hope sb to do 的结构,只能是hope + that 从句,that可以省略
87.Even 后加if或者though,even if/though 即使
88.belong 后加 to belong to sb. 固定搭配
89.去掉 back return= go/come back
90.robbed his money→robbed him of his money 固定搭配 rob sb of sth
91 . Our→That our , 用 That 引导主语从句。
92.any 后加 other 中国也是国家,要比其他的国家因此要加 other
93 . Hearing→When she heard 如果是hearing的话,其逻辑主语应该是人,而不是眼泪
94 . should give→should have given , 意为“本应该…”。 虚拟语气
95 . 去掉 quickly 意义重复
96 . too→either 否定句用,用either代替too表示也
97 . because→that 句型 the reason why 。。。 is that 。。。。
98.because 后加 of What you said 是名词性从句,because of + 名词,或者相当于名词的短语
99.hairs→hair 指一头的头发时hair是不可数名词,指几根头发时hair是可数名词。
100 . 去掉 it . 句型不需要再出现it了。
第1个回答  2012-02-25
50 . 去掉 to 或者dare→dares
51 . How much→What
52 . by which→in which
53 . 去掉 it
54 . 在 praised 后加 him for
55 . after→in
56 . gets up not→doesn't get up
57 . Do you think what→What do you think
58 . sad→sadly
59 . 在 don't 后加 you , 或改 don't→not
60 . Yes , you need . →Yes , you must .
61 .去掉 but
62.去掉 far
63 . from→at
64.去掉 into
68.How much→What
69 . a piece of good news→a good piece of news
70 . Neither→So
71.I'm John . →This is John ( speaking ) .
72 . days→day; not→no
73 .在 join 后加 in
74 . 去掉 so
75.去掉 years old 或 old→of age
76 . reach→arrive
77.a lot of→many
78.of→to 79 . 在 are 后加 of
80 . this→which
81 . a too hot day→too hot a day
82 . two times→twice
83 . 此句应为:Thank you for your help .
85.此句应为:He is blind in his left eye .
86 . to→will
87.Even 后加 when
88.belong 后加 to
89.去掉 back
90.robbed his money→robbed him of his money
91 . Our→That our , 用 That 引导主语从句。
92.any 后加 other
93 . Hearing→When she heard
94 . should give→should have given , 意为“本应该…”。
95 . 去掉 quickly
96 . too→either
97 . because→that
98.because 后加 of
100 . 去掉 it .追问





我要改错的原因啊,亲。答案我也有哦 。 再加20悬赏分也可以哦,拜托

第2个回答  2012-02-25
1.dare,可作情态动词,也可作使役动词,因为句中加to 所以是使役动词,要加第三人称单数S

2.how much 是用来询问价钱的

