
Guthrie bases his claim on measurements of hundreds of Pleistocene horse metacarpals, foot bones that are critical in carrying the animal’s weight and thus make a good indicator of its body mass.

逗号后面是什么成分? 我自己看感觉像是定语,但是不知道定语可以是一整句话吗?
以及And Thus Make 的主语应该是Foot Bone 对吗?

Guthrie bases his claim on measurements (measurements的定语:of hundreds of Pleistocene horse metacarpals,) (horse metacarpals的同位语:foot bones)(foot bones的定语: that are critical in carrying the animal's weight )and thus make a good indicator of its body mass.

我的理解是这样的:foot bones实际上起到对Pleistocene horse metacarpals的解释说明作用,而它后面连接一个定语从句,用来修饰foot bones。

实际上结合意群来判断,make的主语也不应该是foot bones,因为foot bones此时等同于Pleistocene horse metacarpals,相当于处于of短语的位置,而应该是名词性短语Guthrie bases his claim on measurements,中心名词是measurements,and thus前后可以用逗号隔开,故使用make。
