把;1.我和你一样高。2. 李雷比吉姆跳得远。3.他是我们班最高的。这三句话用比较级和最高级翻译成英文。


1. I am as tall as you. 同级比较 用as +形容词原型+as

2. Li Lei jumps farther than Jim does
不同级比较 由“……形容词比较级 + than...”构成。

3. He is the tallest student in my class

如不清楚 可继续问
第1个回答  2012-02-07
1. I am as tall as you are. 同级比较,所以用:as +形容词原性+as .
2. Lilei jumps farther than Jim does. "比...远" 用: "形容词比较级 +than...", 远“far”的比较级 “farther”,所以用:"farther than... ".
3. He is the tallest in our class. “最高”,用“形容词的最高级+范围”,最高级的形容词前还要加定冠词,高“tall”的最高级是 tallest, 前面加 the , 所以是:“the tallest”,范围是在班上,所以是:“in our class”。
第2个回答  2012-02-07
I am not taller than you.
LL jumps farther than Jim.
He is the tallest in our class.
第3个回答  2012-02-08
I am not taller than you.LL jumps farther than Jim.He is the tallest in our class