

I want to go to the park. 我想去公园。
He goes to school every day. 他每天去上学。
Let’s go! 我们走吧!
go on:继续,发生。例如:
Don’t stop, go on. 不要停下来,继续。
What’s going on? 发生了什么事?
go out:出去,外出。例如:
I’m going out for a walk. 我要出去散步。
They went out for dinner. 他们出去吃晚饭了。
go over:复习,检查。例如:
Let’s go over the notes before the exam. 考试前我们复习一下笔记。
He went over the report carefully. 他仔细地检查了报告。go through:经历,经受。例如:
She went through a lot of difficulties in her life. 她的生活中经历了很多困难。
He went through a lot of pain after the surgery. 他手术后经受了很多痛苦。
go off:爆炸,响起。例如:
The bomb went off in the crowded street. 炸弹在拥挤的街道上爆炸了。
The alarm clock went off at six o’clock. 闹钟在六点钟响了。go back:回去,返回。例如:
I have to go back to work now. 我现在要回去工作了。
He went back to his hometown after many years. 他多年后回到了他的家乡。
go ahead:前进,进行。例如:
The project will go ahead as planned. 项目将按计划进行。
Go ahead, I’m listening. 说吧,我在听。

go away:走开,离开。例如:
Go away, I don’t want to see you. 走开,我不想见到你。
He went away for a long time. 他离开了很长时间。
go bananas:发疯,失去理智。例如:
He went bananas when he saw the mess. 他看到一团糟的时候发疯了。
go for it:加油,努力。例如:
You can do it, go for it! 你能做到的,加油!
go with the flow:随波逐流,顺其自然。例如:
Don’t worry too much, just go with the flow. 不要太担心,顺其自然吧go还可以用来表示一些动作或者状态的开始或者结束。比如:
go to sleep:睡觉。例如:
It’s late, I have to go to sleep. 太晚了,我要睡觉了。
go fishing:钓鱼。例如:
He likes to go fishing on weekends. 他喜欢周末去钓鱼。
go bad:变坏,变质。例如:
The milk has gone bad, throw it away. 牛奶变坏了,扔掉吧。