



1.He had a new car and a boat.他有一辆新车和一条船。

2.Have you got a job yet?你有工作了吗?

3.I don't have that much money on me.我身上没带那么多钱。

4.She's got a BA in English.她有英语学士学位。

5.In 1999 the party had 10 000 members.这个党在1999年时拥有1万名党员。

6.The ham had a smoky flavour.这火腿散发着一种烟熏的香味。

7.The house has gas-fired central heating.这所房子有燃气中央供暖系统。

8.They have a lot of courage.他们勇气十足。

9.He's got a front tooth missing.他有一颗门牙掉了。

10.Surely she didn't have the nerve to say that to him?她一定没有胆量跟他这样说吧?

11.Do you have a client named Peters?你们有一位名叫彼得斯的客户吗?

12.Have you got time to call him?你有时间给他打电话吗?

13.We have no choice in the matter.我们在这件事上别无选择。

14.We have a duty to care for the refugees.我们有义务关怀这些难民。
