

    no和none (of)可以替代not a或not any起到加强语气的效果,例如:

    There isn't a train until tomorrow. (普通否定)对比There's no train until tomorrow. (强调)

    Sorry, there isn't any left. (普通)对比Sorry, there's none left. (强调)

    He didn't have any of the usual symptoms.对比He had none of the usual symptons.


    There isn't anyone/anybody here. 对比There's no one/nobody here. (强调)

    She wasn't anywhere to be seen. 对比 She was nowhere to be seen.

    Why don't you ever call me? 对比 Why do you never call me?

    通常句首或and, but, that后面不用not a/any, not anyone等,常用no, none of, no one等,例如:

    No force was needed to make them move. (不是Not any force was needed...)

    Most players are under 16 and none of them is over 20. (不是...and not any of them...)

    I'm sure that nothing can go wrong. (不是...that not anything can...)

    正式或书面文中句首或and, but,that后面用not,例如:

    Not a sound came from the room. (非正式There wasn't a sound from the room.)

    She kept so quiet that not a soul in th house knew she was there.


    No answers could be found. (或更正式的话为No answer...)

    We want to go to the island but there are no boats to take us. (更正式为...there is no boat)


    I phoned Sarah at home, but there was no answer. (不是...but there were no answers.)

    He seems very lonely at school, and has no friends. (不是 friend.)

    no和none of可以和其它单词组成短语起到强调效果,no amount of+不可数名词,not one.../not a single...+单数可数名词,not one of...+复数名词,例如:

    The company is so badly managed that no amount of investment will make it successful.

    Not one person remembered my birthday. (不能是Not a single person...)

    Not one of the families affected by the noise wants to move.

    口语中和no搭配的固定短语有:No wonder(不出意料),No idea(不知道),No comment(无可奉告),No way, No chance(没可能),No problem, No bother(没事儿,不难办),例句如下:

    'The computer's not working again.' 'No wonder. It's not plugged in!'

    'Thanks for the lift.' 'No problem. I had to go past the station anyway.'

第1个回答  2020-05-09
no和none的用法 区别:
There is no time left. Please hurry up. 没有时间了,请快点。
They had no reading books to lend. 他们没有阅读用书专可以出借。

None of them is/are in the classroom. 他们当中没有一个在教室里。
I have many books, but none is interesting. 我有很多的书,但没有一本是有趣的。
第2个回答  2012-01-28
第3个回答  2022-07-25
我们在正面陈述中使用“不”。 它与“不是任何”具有相同的含义


we use “no” in positive statements. it has the same meaning as “not any”

we can also use the pronoun "none" to mean not "any"

we add "of" when we use "none" with noun or pronoun to talk about specific items
第4个回答  2020-03-23
