
As a policeman , i saw ( where ) there was violence , drugs were always behind it .

Q1:为什么括号里填where,老师好像说过后面的从句有there这个地点状语,连接词就不能用where了(或者从句有时间副词,连接词就不能用when)。 请问怎么改正?
Q2:“ drugs were always behind it ”这句话的连接词是哪个?

where引导的为地点状语从句 where引导的地点状语从句如 Where there is a will, there is a way.---有志者事竟成。 最大的特点是地点状语从句部分属于从属地位,可以略去而只留主句there is a road。而定语从句需要有先行词 这句话没有先行词 完整说来 这句话地点状语从句where there was violence,加上主句drugs were always behind it这个主从复合句做saw的宾语。
A1:在where there was violence这个状语从句中,连接词where在从句中不做主语或者宾语而只作状语,剩下的there was violence 是主系表 也叫主动补结构。where 和 there没有相互制约 也就是只能用其一的规则。完全是根据句法需要来进行句子编码(encoding)。
A2:这句话链接词是where 在there was violence之前的那个where,很简单 一个连接词连接两句完整句,there was violence和drugs were always behind it.是两个完整句 主谓宾都不缺少,where作为连接词引导地点状语从句。
第1个回答  2012-01-27
首先,看清这句话的结构,及物动词saw 省略了引导宾语从句的that引导词,从句( where ) there was violence , drugs were always behind it ,又叠加了where引导状语从句,整句话是宾语从句中复加状语从句,there不要理解成地点状语,是there be结构表存在。
相同where的例子:Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。
第2个回答  2012-01-27
1.where 不是作为后面there的先行代词,所以不能用你那个说法来解释。
例如一个句子:where there is a will, there is a way.有事者事竟成。不知道你是否懂得了呢?
第3个回答  2012-01-27
where there is a will there is a way. 有志者事竟成,这句话你一定知道。我把这句话改成上面那个样子你看下:
As a student, I know where there is a will , a way is there.
A1、虽然there是地点状语,但是是用在there be句型中,我们经常会说,There are some kids playing on the playground.那我问你,这里我们都有There 了,为什么还要on the playground.
(你自己感觉一下there be 句型的特殊性)
As a policeman,I saw that drug were always behind it where there was violence.
where 引导的定语从句修饰代词it
第4个回答  2012-01-28
i saw [( where there was violence ,) drugs were always behind it .]
第5个回答  2012-01-28
( where ) there was violence 是一个宾语从句,只是省略了that,由于 there was violence 不缺成分需用连接副词。注意标点逗号,其后必须是一个完整句子.