

随便编了一个, 希望对你有帮助吧

Mr Chen(老师, 以下简称T): Good afternoon, boys, where are you going? why are you running in a hurry?
同学们下午好, 你们跑那么快要去哪?

Jerry & Ken(两个男同学, 以下简称J和K): We are going to play basketball!

J: Oh, I like playing basketball too! Can I play with you?
真的? 我也打得不错, 可以跟你们一起玩吗?

T: That'll be great! Let's go!
当然可以! 那我们走吧!

K: Wait, we should ask Amy to come too, she said she wanted to play with us yesterday.
等一下, 我们去把Amy叫上吧, 昨天她说她想跟我们一起玩.

J: Ok. But where is she?
嗯, 她在哪呢?

K: She should be in her dorm, we should go and see if she's there.
应该在宿舍, 我们去找找看.


J: Hey, Amy, do you want to join us to play basketball?
Amy, 有空跟我们一起打蓝球吗?

A: Why not! I'm so boring to be alone in the dorm.
好啊! 我正一个人无聊着呢.

K: Then let's go now!
嗯, 那么我们走吧.


T: Oh it's full here, we don't have the court to play, what should we do now?
啊, 已经没有场地了, 现在怎么办?

J(对着Amy说): Thanks to you , you spent almost an hour to change your clothes!
都怪你, 换衣服换了整整一个小时!

A: You shouldn't blame at me! All the girls do that!
这可不能怪我, 这是女孩子的天性!

J: Not when they're going to do some sports...

T: Ok, stop fighting, both of you!
好了, 两个别吵了!

K: Maybe we can play something else.

A: Like what?

K(对着老师说): Mr Chen, do you have any idea?
陈老师, 你有什么提议吗?

T: Well, I'm really not too sure..
这个, 我没什么主意呢..

K(对着Jerry说): How about you?

J: Er...ask the girl.

A: Um...maybe we can play hide & seek.

J: No way, that's what you play in kindergarden!
不是吧, 那是幼儿园玩的啊!

T: Looks like it's going to rain, maybe we should all go back to the classroom and do some studies.
看起来好像快要下雨了, 不如我们回教室自修吧.

A & J & K(作惊恐状)

K: Oh I almost forgot, I must go home before 6 today!

J: Oh really? Then I really should go with you now!
是啊? 那我马上跟你一起走吧!

J & K(两人跑着说): Goodbye Mr Chen!

T: What about you Amy?

A: Ah..well..oh! It's going to rain, I must go back to my dorm
and close the windows! See you tomorrow Mr Chen!
嗯...这个...啊, 我想起来了, 要下雨了, 我要回宿舍把窗户关好! 老师明天见!


好歹是个原创, 希望你能用上啊, 哈哈.