

How To Cook a Dish

Cooking has come a long way from when our ancestors roasted wild game and local vegetation over an open fire. We've discovered an infinite number of ways to prepare and season food, but the nature of cooking remains the same: Apply heat to make food taste better. Thefollows are the steps to cook a dish.

Step 1: Find recipes. This is optional, of course, but is the recommended route if you're learning how to cook.
Step 2: Gather the ingredients and tools for the job.
Step 3: Prepare the food to be cooked.
Step 4: Preheat as needed.
Step 5: Start cooking with water (boiling, poaching, simmering, and stewing, to name an approachable few).
Step 6: Move on to "dry" cooking. This includes grilling, roasting, toasting, broiling, and baking.
Step 7: Advance to frying unless you're on a diet, in which case you might be better off not knowing how to coat your food in a layer of fat!
Step 8: Make cooking an art form. Foods can taste better that look and feel better!

Remember that to buy the freshest of foods. When shopping for your delicacies, be certain to take the time to ensure that the texture, colors, and quality of the food you buy is the best in the batch. This little touch can make the dining experience more robust and satisfying.
第1个回答  2011-11-28