
要翻译的内容:嗨!我叫**,我是一名学生,我的学校叫****,不算大,但是挺漂亮的.我很喜欢.我的家在****小区.小区非常安静!很漂亮!下面我来说一下我每天上学的路线.每天早晨,我从家出来,左转然后直走.一直走到***大街.然后左转直走,这次要走的路很长.到了一个胡同口,然后进胡同直走就到了学校. 我每天上学的这条路走起来很无聊.


Hi, my name is **.I am a student. I study in **** school, which is not large as someone, but I like it very much for its beauty. I live in **** housing district, where is very quiet and lovely. Now let me tell you my way to school everyday. In the morning, I leave home and turn left, then go straight until *** steet, then turn left and go straight again. It is a long way till meet a entrance of a hongtong. I enter it going straight, then I reach my school. It is a very boring road that I take everyday.
第1个回答  2007-11-14
Hi,I'mxxx,is a student,my school is xxx,doesn't big ,but every brilliant.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx这样写下去就好了!!