test out;try out ;give out ;turn out

test out;try out ;give out ;turn out具体用法 越详细越好 用这4个短语编段小短文 100字左右。万分感谢

test out充分体验 try out试用,试验,考验,提炼 give out 分发;用完;消耗尽;发出(光、声音)、筋疲力尽turn out 结果是、被证明是eg.In order to test out the joy of climbing the mountain,we tried out such an experience. AS a result,we gave out and this experience turned out to be a failure. 造个句子,应该就能明白了
第1个回答  2012-03-17
test out 验证 test things out
try out 1.试验,尝试 try it out/ try things out 2.选拔 做选拔意思的时候连着用(try out)
give out 给出,发布 give out the results
turn out 结果 the result turns out
I wanted to test out if I still have some gymnastic skills because I haven't been practicing for a long time. So I went to try out for the cheerleader squad at my school. During the tryout, I gave out the best performance I could. It turned out I was still a good gymnast and was selected by the squad.
第2个回答  2012-03-17
try out 试验 turn out《出乎意料》结果是 give out 放出《气体光和热》 test out这个我不知道