
Weather permitting, we will go for an outing next week.
在这句话里,weather permitting,是什么用法?(语法上来说),
这里 weather permitting,是否就是 if weather permits? 是否还有其他的类似句子?

非谓语动词的用法,非谓语动词就是在句子中不充当谓语的动词。它不受主语的限制,也没有像谓语动词那样的时态和语态的变化,又称为非限定动词,在句子中可以作主语、宾语、表语、宾补、定语和 状语。非谓语动词包括三种形式:不定式、动名词和分词。这里 weather permitting,就是 if weather permits。现在分词作状语的几种情况①分词动作与谓语动作同时发生:She drove away crying.她哭着把车开走了。He came back to his office, hoping to find the material needed for the case.他回到办公室,希望能找到案子所需的材料。Not knowing that the traffic accident happened to her husband, she was waiting for him to have supper.因为不知道她的丈夫发生了交通事故,她还在等他吃晚饭。②分词动作与谓语动作先后发生现在分词的完成式表示分词动作在谓语动作之前发生。Having found out why, he began to repair the machine.由于找到了原因,他开始修理这台机器。Not having finished the homework, he had to stay up late at night .由于没有写完作业,他不得不熬夜。③用现在分词的被动式表示“正在被……”或者“已经被……”This is the second bridge being built across the river.这是正在建的横跨这条河的第二座桥。(作定语)Having been invited, he went to Germany to attend the conference .受到邀请,他去德国出席了这次会议。 (作状语)
第1个回答  2012-03-14
Weather permitting, we will go for an outing next week.中
weather permitting 是一个独立主格结构的用法,
简单的说,这个结构的逻辑主语(weather)和主句的主语(we)不一致,但是它需要独立的表示动作或状态的词, 主动用ing形式(如例句),被动用done形式。

这里 weather permitting,是否就是 if weather permits? 是否还有其他的类似句子?

There being a heavy rain ,we have to stay at home。主动用doing形式
Time limited ,we have to hurry up。被动用done形式本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-03-14
在这里,weather permitting是现在分词短语作条件状语,跟if the weather permits 是同一种作用。如果条件状语中有主语和谓语,如,此句中的weather 是条件状语中的主语,permit是条件状语中的谓语,可变为主语放在句首,谓语动词变为现在分词形式。
第3个回答  2012-03-14

这里weather permitting 是非谓语动词作状语 相当于状语从句

His mother being ill, he didn't go to school = Because his mother was ill, he didn't go to school.
He not coming to school, his teacher was angry.

这种结构叫独立主格,也就是在非谓语前+主语, 但这个主语和主句主语不一样。

第4个回答  2012-03-14
恩 是的! 独立主格