be known for与be known as的区别是什么?


be known as和be known for的区宴知别
be known as 英[bi nəʊn æz]
be known for 英[bi nəʊn fɔː(r)]
be known as:以...著称; 被认为是;
be known for:以...知名;
"be known as" 表示某人或某事物被称作某个名称或身份,通常用于介绍或说明某人或某事物的身份或职业。例如:
1、He is known as the king of rock and roll. (他被称为摇滚之王。)
2、The city is known as the capital of fashion. (这个城市被称为时尚之都。)
3、He is known as the father of modern physics.(他被誉为现代物理学之父。)
"be known for" 表示某人或某事物以某种特征、事物或行为而著名,通常用于描述某人或某事物的特点或优点。例如:
1、She is known for her kindness and generosity. (她以善良和慷慨著称。)
2、The restaurant is known for its delicious seafood. (这家餐厅以其美味的海鲜而著名。)
3、He is known for his excellent cooking skills.(他以其出色的烹饪技巧而著名。)
be known as
1、This design came to be known as the Oriental style. 这种设计后来被称为东方风格。
2、He would be known as an honest man who kept his promises. 他言出必行,诚实可靠。
3、Philadelphia may be known as home of the establishment and ethnics. 费城也许是名门和族裔之乡
4、Henceforth they are to be known as people. 从此以后,他们被称为人们。
5、It will be known as the supply chain management process logistics management. 人们将上述过程的管理称之为供应链快递管理。
be known for
1、You want to be known for your work, not your rumor radar. 你应该以你的工作表现而为人熟知,而不是以你的八卦能力。
2、The result of the ballot will not be known for two weeks. 无记名投票的结果将于两周后公布。
3、What they really think, however, will not be known for some time. 然而,他们的真实想法在一段时间内仍不得而知。
4、The full effects of the oil spill may not be known for years. 石油泄漏的全面影响可能很多年都不得而知。
5、We are a people used to be known for "self-restraint". 我们是曾以“克己”著称的民族。