


Giraffes are the highest terrestrial animals in the world.

Giraffes mainly live in the savanna of Africa. They are herbivores and mainly eat leaves, young branches and so on.

Giraffes have a strange shape. Both male and female heads have a pair of small short horns wrapped with skin. The color is light brown and will not fall off for life.

It is worth mentioning that giraffes have long necks.

Although giraffe is thin and vulnerable to predators, it has a powerful weapon, hoof. Whenever it is attacked, it kicks the attacker.

It's great to kick. If you hit it, you'll get hurt or die on the spot.

Every animal is the treasure of nature, and giraffe is one of them. But nature has lost many treasures. Let's protect the environment and prevent nature from crying again.

第1个回答  推荐于2020-03-05
Giraffe is my favourite animal. The giraffe is an animal with long neck, and long legs. The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. Their tallness helps them to reach the tree which where they got their foods. Giraffe is animals that under protection, there is a policy said that we can not harm the giraffe.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2020-01-09
i love it