速求5篇暑假英语日记 【初二升初三】的


1,My Desk-Mate 我的同座
I have a good desk-mate when I was grade five.She is a pretty girl.she has a long black hair and always wears beautiful dress in summer.She always looks very neat,just because of this ,I also make up my mind to be more neat with her influence.(五年级的时候,我有一个很好的同桌。她是个漂亮的女孩,她有一头乌黑的长发,夏天的时候,她总是穿着漂亮的裙子。她看上去非常地干净整洁,正因为这样,受着她的影响,我也下定决心要变得更加干净整洁。)

She is always ready to help others.For instance,when I can't find out my eraser or use up my pencil,she often lends me her best ones with smile.She is a really friendly person.(她总是愿意去帮助别人,例如,每当我找不到我的橡皮或者快用完我的铅笔时,她经常面带微笑地借给我她最好的橡皮或铅笔。她真是一个友好的人啊)

She not only study very hard.she always finishes her homework on time everyday, but also she will writes every word in a neat handwriting way.she simply is my model for study!I can learn many things from her(她不仅仅学习十分地努力,每天总是按时完成作业。而且她的字写得十分地工整。她简直就是我学习的榜样。我可以从她身上学到很多东西。)

Although she have not been my desk-mate today,and we have not met each other for a long time,I'll remember her forever.because she really helps me a lot,I'm really thankful to her.(虽然,现在她已不再是我的同桌了,而且我们很长一段时间没有见面了。不过我会永远记住她的,因为她帮助了我很多,我真的很感谢她。)

2,My Favourate Season我最喜爱的季节

I believe many people all have their own favourate season,and we all have diffierent fellings about it.My favourate season is spring,and I also have some fellings about it.(我相信很多人又有自己最喜爱的季节,我们对它会有不同的感受,我最喜爱的季节是春天,我同样对它有一些感触。)

First,spring brings lovely life.the nature will be awake from the long cold winter,so all over of trees will turn to green and flowers will turn to colorful.the fishes in the river will be active,birds in the tree will be lively.You know,they always be willing to sing songs for such a lovely season.Most of animals in the forest will be awake in the same time.(第一,春天带来了生机。大自然将会从漫长的严冬苏醒过来。因此,每一颗树木会变绿,花朵会变得五颜六色。河里的鱼儿会变得活跃,树上的鸟儿会变得有活力。要知道,他们可是很乐意为了这个可爱的季节唱歌呢。与此同时,森林里大部分的动物也将苏醒过来)

Second,spring brings slight rains.It often rains continually.because of this you may fell terrible when you want to go out.but dear friends,just with the timely rains,crops in the field will grow better and better and farmers will have a good harvest.(第二,春天带来淅淅沥沥的春雨,这个季节经常连续地下雨,因为这点,当你想要出门的时候,你也许就会感到很糟糕。但是,亲爱的朋友,正因为这场及时雨,田野里的庄稼将会长得越来越好,农民们将会有一个好收成)

Third,spring brings a charming sene.you can see many beautiful scene everywhere ,it is easy to breathe clear air for everyone .(第三,春天会带来迷人的景色。你可以随处看到美丽的景色,每个人都可以轻易地呼吸清新的空气。)

All right,the three reasons above are why I like spring,so how about you?what's your favourate season?

3, My Home Town 我的家乡

My home town is a beautiful place.It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.many people had not work.they lived a hard life,many children could not go to school for education.(我的家乡是一个很美丽的地方。它所处的位置的旁边有宽阔的河流,丰富的鱼类和大米。但是在过去的时候,这只是一个贫穷,落后的小镇。很多人没有工作,他们过着艰难的生活。很多孩子不能上学接受教育。)

In 1949 my hometown was liberated,Since then great changes have taken place there.The streets have been widened,Factories,schools,hospitals,cinemas and theatres have sprung up like mushrooms one after another.The life of the people is greatly improved.(1949年,我的家乡解放了。从那时起,这里发生了巨大的变化。街道变宽了,工厂,医院,电影院,剧院一个接着一个如雨后春笋般涌现了。人们的生活大大地提高了。)

I love my hometown. All the more I love its people,They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.(我爱我的家乡,我更爱家乡的人们。是他们努力地工作才使得家乡更富有,更美丽!)
4,Planting Trees植树

It was fine on March 12,2011,I got up early that day,All the students in our school,went to the hill to plant trees.(2011年三月12号那天天气晴朗,我早早地起了床,我们学校的所有学生要去山上种树。)

When we arrived the hill,it was at 8 o'clock a. m,our teacher asked each of us need to plant at least six trees,Then we started digging,planting and watering.We all worked so hard that we could finish our tasks ahead of time,Among us,Li Yang,our monitor set a good example for us,Though he was ill.He still worked harder when he finished his task,he went on to help others without even a little rest.He was wet all over after work."I must learn from him."I said to my self.Looking at the lines of the young trees,we smiled happily,forgetting our tiredness。(当我们到达山上的时候,已是早上8点整。我们的老师要求我们每个人至少种植六棵树。然后我们开始挖洞,种植,然后浇水。我们都很努力地在干活,所以我们可以提前完成我们的任务。我们之中的李阳,我们的班长为我们树立了一个好榜样。虽然他病了,但他完成了他的任务之后仍旧在努力干活。他甚至顾不上休息去帮助其他的人植树。干完活后,他已经大汗淋漓了。“我必须向他学习."我对我自己说道。再看看一排排的树苗,我们开心地笑了,都忘记我们的疲劳了。)

5,Summer Vacation in The Countryside在农村的暑假

Last year's summer vacation was most enjoyable.I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside,where I saw mountains and fields covered with green plants sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village,the water in which was quite clear.(我去年的暑假过得最愉快,我花了十五天的时间在农村帮助我的爷爷奶奶干农活,这个农村的山峰和田野都被绿色的植物覆盖着,有的时候,我会在这个村子西边的一条河里游泳,那儿的水特别地清澈。)

I kept a diary every day,Besides doing farm work,I help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons.All of them showed much interest in English.They could read and write well.but they could hardly understand simple English .so every day in the morning I spent two hours helping them improve their listening and spoken English.They all made great progress.Their parents all thought highly of me,I now realize that knowledge is very much needed.in the countryside(我每天坚持写日记,除了干农活,我还帮着邻居的孩子上课呢。他们都对英语表现地很有兴趣,他们的阅读和拼写都很好,但他们几乎连简单的英语也弄不懂。于是,每天早上我都花两个小时去帮助他们提高英语听力和口语。他们都取得了很大的进步。他们的父母都十分赞许我,我现在意识到在农村是非常需要知识的)


Hello,everyone,I am very glad to introduce myself to you all today.My Chinese name is Lei Yan,my English name is sofia.I am a middle school student ,I'm 14 years old now.(大家好,我今天很高兴向你们介绍我自己,我的中文名字是雷妍,英文名字是索菲亚。我现在14岁了。)

I am a outgoing and smart person,I have a lot of interests.I like reading so much,especially read about novels,I find many interesting points from them,and I can also learn more knowledges from them.(我是一个外向,可爱的女孩,我有很多兴趣爱好。我很喜欢读书,特别是读小说,我在那里面发现很多有趣的地方。我同样可以从那里学到很多知识。)

I like to listen to gentle music very much,when I fell tired or anxious I'll always listen to it ,than I can take easy and calm down slowly, so I can almost forget the unhappy things.(我很喜欢听柔和的音乐。当我感到困倦或者忧虑的时候,我总是去听听柔和的音乐。之后,我就可以放轻松,慢慢地平静下来。因此我可以忘记了那些不快乐的事情。)

I want to be a English teacher,because I like English and I like this job which can help more students to catch knowledges. in fact ,I also like to help others.This is me,a young girl with a beautiul dream.thank you.(我想成为一名英语老师,因为我喜欢英语,我也喜欢这份去帮助学生们掌握知识的工作,实际上,我同样乐意去帮助别人。这就是我,怀着一个美丽梦想的年轻女孩,谢谢!)