

1. How to Spend My Lucky Money Wisely
Normally, I am thrilled to receive lucky money during the New Year. However, the challenge lies in how to utilize it effectively. The amount of lucky money often determines the best course of action. For instance, if I receive around 500 units of currency, purchasing books to broaden my horizons would be a wise decision. Should the amount reach 2000, a educational trip could be more beneficial, as it offers experiences that surpass what books and documentaries provide. Imagine receiving 100,000 units from a wealthy family. In my view, investing a portion would be crucial to combat inflation.
2. How a Classmate, Li Weiqi, Uses His Lucky Money
Li Weiqi, a student in our class affectionately known as the "genius," excels not only academically but also displays a positive and cheerful demeanor. He sports glasses and possesses large, vibrant eyes, a robust build, and a dashing appearance.
Li Weiqi is also a helpful friend. Once, when I sprained my ankle and was mobility-challenged, he noticed my predicament and inquired, "Chen Jianyi, do you need to use the restroom or have some water?" His concern made me feel warmth inside. I thanked him, "No, I'm not thirsty or needing to use the restroom right now." Li Weiqi reassured me, "Just let me know if you need anything." When class ended, my need to use the restroom suddenly arose. Li Weiqi asked again, "Do you need to go to the restroom?" Embarrassed, I hesitantly replied, "Yeah." He gently crouched down.
3. How to Use New Year's Gift Money - A High School Student's Perspective
"Chen Jianyi, the sun-like Li Weiqi pairs perfectly with our class as the 'genius,'" I thought, feeling grateful for his assistance. His strong and supportive nature is truly admirable.
4. The Red Envelope: An Introduction and Guidance on Its Use
Each year during the Spring Festival, we receive red envelopes, but not everyone uses them wisely. I allocate a portion of my lucky money to my parents, while the rest is deposited into my personal bank account. My parents endorse this approach, believing it fosters responsibility.
In my opinion, this is a sensible strategy. Since many lack self-discipline, having all the money at one's disposal can lead to quick spending. However, if one does not have immediate access to money, it helps in curbing impulsive purchases. Therefore, helping parents retain a portion of the money while keeping a share in our control seems like a balanced decision.