

吴中区 (面积 672平方千米,人口571851 人。邮政编码215128)
(驻长桥街道) 长桥街道/越溪街道/郭巷街道/横泾街道/香山街道/苏苑街道/龙西街道/城南街道/角直镇/木渎镇/胥口镇/临湖镇/东山镇/光福镇/西山镇
相城区 (面积 416平方千米,人口361082人。邮政编码215131)
金阊区 (面积 37平方千米,人口210832人。邮政编码215008)
(驻石路街道) 石路街道/留园街道/虎丘街道/白洋湾街道/彩香街道
平江区 (面积 22平方千米,人口232053人。邮政编码215005)
(驻平江路街道) 观前街道/平江路街道/苏锦街道/娄门街道/城北街道/桃花坞街道
沧浪区 (面积 25平方千米,人口322922人。邮政编码215006)
(驻双塔街道) 双塔街道/南门街道/胥江街道/吴门桥街道/葑门街道/友新街道
虎丘区 (苏州高新区)面积 258平方千米,人口349518人。邮政编码215004)
(驻狮山街道) 狮山街道/横塘街道/枫桥街道/镇湖街道/浒墅关镇/ 通安镇/东渚镇
人口304761人(驻娄葑镇) 娄葑镇/唯亭镇/胜浦镇
昆山市(驻玉山镇)(面积 927平方千米,人口679846人。邮政编码215300)
张家港市(驻杨舍镇)(面积 813平方千米,人口893039人。邮政编码215600)
太仓市(驻城厢镇)(面积 642平方千米,人口463825人。邮政编码215400)
苏州自古有京杭运河贯穿而过。现有京沪铁路以及312,204等多条国道经过苏州。苏州周边有上海虹桥机场,浦东机场,无锡硕放机场。2007年苏州正在建设轻轨 。预计2012年左右投入使用。其高速公路密度达到德国水平,是交通部授予的公路交通枢纽城市。
苏州建城于公元前514年,吴王夫差的父亲阖闾命楚国叛将伍子胥建阖闾城,距今已有2500多年的历史了。春秋时期,这里是吴国的都城,至今还保留着许多有关西施、伍子胥等的古迹。隋开皇九年(公元589年)始称苏州,沿用至今。苏州城建城早,规模大,水陆并行,河街相邻,古城区至今仍坐落在原址上,为国内外所罕见。 苏州园林甲天下,已被列入世界文化遗产名录,在中国四大名园中,苏州就占有拙政园、留园两席;“吴中第一名胜”虎丘深厚的文化积淀,使其成为游客来苏州的必游之地;而唐朝诗人张继的一首《枫桥夜泊》,令古今游客争相来访枫桥,闻听寒山寺的钟声。 姑苏城外自然风光秀丽,灵岩、天平、天池和洞庭诸山,点缀于太湖之滨,形成了富有江南风情的湖光山色。 苏州既有园林之美,又有山水之胜,自然、人文景观交相辉映,加之文人墨客题咏吟唱,使苏州成为名副其实的“人间天堂”。 苏州园林是文化意蕴深厚的“文人写意山水园”。古代的造园者都有很高的文化修养,能诗善画,造园时多以画为本,以诗为题,通过凿池堆山、栽花种树,创造出具有诗情画意的景观,被称为是“无声的诗,立体的画”。在园林中游赏,犹如在品诗,又如在赏画。为了表达园主的情趣、理想、追求,园林建筑与景观又有匾额、楹联之类的诗文题刻,有以清幽的荷香自喻人品(拙政园“远香堂”),有以清雅的香草自喻性情高洁(拙政园“香洲”),有追慕古人似小船自由漂荡怡然自得的(怡园“画舫斋”),还有表现园主企慕恬淡的四园生活的(网师园“真意”、留园“小桃源”)等等,不一而足。这些充满着书卷气的诗文题刻与园内的建筑、山水、花木自然和谐地揉和在一起,使园林的一山一水、一草一木均能产生出深远的意境,徜徉其中,可得到心灵的陶冶和美的享受。其中沧浪亭、狮子林、拙政园和留园分别代表着宋(公元960~1278年)、元(公元1271~1368年)、明(公元1368~1644年)、清(公元1644~1911年)四个朝代的艺术风格,被称为“苏州四大名园”,拙政园和留园更跻身“中国四大名园”之列,网师园也颇负盛名。
苏州话以软糯著称,所谓吴侬软语(侬作人解)就是由此而来。昆曲和评弹都使用苏州话,并流行于整个吴语太湖片。现代新派苏州话有28个声母,43个韵母,7 个声调,这个声韵调系统也是吴语的一般情况。而老派的苏州话则具有27个声母,49个韵母,7调。苏州郊区很多都保留了翘舌音声母,故部分地区具有33个声母。
第1个回答  2008-08-06
第2个回答  2008-08-06
第3个回答  2008-08-07
Suzhou is located in the southeastern part of Jiangsu Province. The city was established as the capital of the state of Wu during the Warring States Period of the Eastern Zhou dynasty, c.476-221 BCE. When the Grand Canal linking many older canals in China was constructed during the Sui dynasty, Suzhou prospered, becoming a center of the silk trade. During the Song dynasty, nearby Hangzhou became the imperial capital and Suzhou grew as well, a convenient retreat for scholars, officials and merchants.

Marco Polo visited "Su-chau" and remarked on the large size of the city, its prosperity, the silk trade and its "6,000 stone bridges". He said that the name of the city meant "Earth", and that there was another nearby city designated as "Heaven". Other early sources referred to Suzhou as "Earthly Paradise".

Gardening in Suzhou reached its height during the Ming and Qing dynasties. There were over 280 private gardens then in Suzhou and landscaping became an art with established masters. The mild climate, along with 230 frost-free days and around 43 inches of rain annually the area is perfect for gardening endeavors.

Sixty-nine gardens in and around Suzhou are still in good condition. In 1997, UNESCO added four of the private gardens of Suzhou to the World Heritage list, extending this in 2000 to include the historic section of the city and five other gardens in the area.

Northern Song Dynasty

The Canglang Pavilion (沧浪亭)
The Blue Waves Pavilion, The Surging Waves Pavilion, Cang Lang Ting

The Blue Waves Pavilion is the oldest of the existing private gardens of Suzhou. It began as an imperial flower garden in the Five Dynasties period. Su Shunqin, a poet and a judge in the high courts of the Northern Song dynasty, bought the property and built a pavilion beside the water. When he left office he lived there and wrote articles which were later collected in a book called Scholar Su's Writings. During the Southern Song dynasty Han Shizhong, a famous general who fought the Nuzhen Tartars, lived on the property. During the Ming dynasty the garden became a temple and later fell into disrepair. The garden was reconstructed in the Qing dynasty, at which time it was expanded into the nearby fields and more buildings and other features were added.

While most of the gardens of Suzhou are surrounded by walls, this one is centered on a large lake and its streams which wind through the grounds. The focal point is the Facing the Water Pavilion which sits at the edge of the water. There is a miniature mountain at the center of the garden and a smaller mountain at the southern end. There are twenty buildings, and a number of steles and tablets throughout the garden, along with very old trees and eighteen kinds of bamboo.

Yuan Dynasty

The Lion Grove Garden (狮子林)
The Lion Forest Garden, Shi Zi Lin

The Lion Grove Garden was begun in 1342 as a temple garden, part of the Puti Zhengzong Temple. During the Ming Dynasty, it drew Buddhist scholars, painters and poets. The Qing emperor Qian Long was so impressed with the garden that he inscribed three characters on a tablet, called the True Delight tablet, which can still be seen today.

This garden takes its name from the numerous lion-shaped stones there, though erosion has altered many of them past recognition. Enclosed by high walls are rockeries which cover half of the garden with a shallow lake at the center, along with many very old pines and cypress trees. The most important features of this garden are its man-made mountains. The Lion Peak is the highest of these and contains many grottoes connected by a labyrinth of stone paths.

Ming Dynasty

The Humble Administrator's Garden (拙政园)
Zhuo Zheng Yuan

Developed over several centuries, the Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and most famous of the gardens in Suzhou and its many styles are representative of the history of classical gardening in Suzhou. It was begun in the early 16th century by Wang Xianchen, a government official who either retired or was demoted before returning to his hometown. Originally built on the site of the Da Hong Monastery, the garden was named from a line in a Jin Dynasty poem: "Building a house and planting trees, watering the garden and selling vegetables constitute a humble administrator's business". The garden frequently changed owners, each contributing his own vision. During the era of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the mid 1800s, the Loyal Prince Li Xiucheng lived here.

Water comprises three-fifths of the whole garden which is divided into three parts. The Garden of the Unsuccessful Politician is at the center and took on its present appearance in the Later Qing dynasty though the original structure remained. It features mountains and a lake at its center with many of the forty-eight buildings in the garden along its shore.

The Affiliated Garden to the west, once a garden belonging to a separate family, features elegant pavilions and a series of halls separated by glass and carved gingko screens. There are over seven hundred bonsai in this part of the garden, representing the Suzhou style bonsai, one of the four leading bonsai styles in China, and eighteen kinds of camellias. An undulating corridor built on a wall by the water simulates walking on waves

The eastern section of the garden, the site of the old Hermit's Farmhouse, Gui Tianyuan Ju, was once owned by the aide Wang Xinyi. Wang was very talented at mountain and water painting, and he therefore designed and arranged artistic landscapes. Long neglected, this section was reconstructed in 1955 and now contains lawns and and a grove of pine trees. The house to which the gardens belong is to the south.

The Lingering Garden (留园)
Liu Yuan

Originally called the Eastern Garden, construction of the Lingering Garden began during the Ming dynasty by Xu Taishi, a high-ranking official in charge of the emperor's horses and vehicles. During the Qing Dynasty, the garden was taken over by Liu Rongfeng, an official in charge of the province's finance, taxes and personnel matters. It was rebuilt and renamed Hanbi Shanzhuang, which means Cold Azure Mountain Village or Cold Mountain Villa. In 1875, Sheng Xuren acquired the garden and renovated it. He renamed it Liu Yuan, meaning "long lasting between heaven and earth". During the Sino-Japanese War the garden was ruined but it was restored to its former beauty in 1953.

One of the largest gardens in Suzhou, the Lingering Garden is divided into four distinct areas by buildings with many small courtyards throughout. The architectural elements occupy one third of the space. This garden is known for its many carefully placed doors and patterned windows, each of which serves to frame the scene to be viewed from it. The sections are connected by a long roofed corridor which shapes itself to the changing terrain. The Lingering Garden contains 373 stelae inscribed with the works of more than a hundred calligraphers from six dynasties which serve to illustrate the development of Chinese calligraphy over 1000 years.

The central area consists of a quiet pond, surrounded by artificial hills on four sides. Fine buildings occupy most of the eastern section. In the west there is miniature mountain scattered with yellow stones and planted with maple trees. On top of the mountain stands a pavilion which commands a view of the entire garden. There is an islet in the western lake which is connected to the east shore by a bridge and a winding brook lined with peach trees and weeping willows. The northern part of the Lingering Garden contains a miniature mountain and pavillions situated in a grove, along with a bonsai garden enclosed by a bamboo fence.

Garden of Cultivation (艺圃)

This very small garden was begun in the Ming Dynasty. Originally called Jingting Mountain Cottage, it was improved during the early Qing Dynasty and renamed the Garden of Cultivation. The house occupies over half of the garden's area and a rectangular pond takes up another quarter of the space. Open sided galleries provide many different views which add a sense of spaciousness to the garden. Pavilions can be found throughout the garden, as well as deep pools and springs and artistically arranged rockeries and plantings.

Qing Dynasty

Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty (环秀山庄)

Another small garden, the Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty is known for its man-made limestone mountain around which the other elements are arranged. This garden was begun in the Five Dynasties Period but the mountain was not added until the Qing Dynasty by Gu Yuliang, a master builder.

There is a feeling of spaciousness despite the small size due to artistic divisions created by pathways, stone steps, and bridges. Ravines and cliffs are carefully contrived to give the visitor a sense of being in a mountainous terrain. Always the mountain is within view, its aspect changing at every turn, even appearing in places to be more than one mountain. There are only eight buildings in this garden. The most interesting of these which has a long walkway at ground level and viewing rooms on the second floor is to the west of the mountain.

The Retreat and Reflection Garden (退思园)
Tuisi Yuan

The Retreat and Reflection Garden is located in Tongli, a water town eleven miles south of Suzhou. It was built by Ren Lansheng, an imperial scholar, upon his dismissal from office. The name Tuisiyuan means Garden Close to the Water. The small garden is laid out horizontally instead of vertically. The residence is in the western section and opens into an outer garden which contains halls for entertaining guests. The focal point of the inner garden to the east is a large pond. Most of the structures and rockeries were built right at the water's edge. They appear to float on the water and create a sense of space through their reflections.

The town of Tongli itself was built roughly in the shape of a circle around five lakes. It is divided into seven islands by more than ten rivers or canals and linked by forty-nine bridges. Nearly all the buildings in the town were built facing water.

The Couple's Garden Retreat (耦园)

This garden was originally begun in the 1700s. Nearly one hundred years later, a government official bought the property and divided the garden into the present east and west sections. He named it the Couple's Garden Retreat which refers to the two sections as well as to the more romantic meaning.

The Couple's Garden Retreat is surrounded by a canal on three sides and has two piers on the canal. The house is in an unusual center location. The East Garden features a mountain of yellow stones sloping upward from a pond. Other yellow stones can be seen in the rockeries, as well as flowers and trees. The West Garden features a limestone mountain with caves which can be seen from the numerous pavilions and garden courts.

The Garden of the Master of Nets (网狮园)
Garden of the Fisherman, Wang Shi Yuan

The Garden of the Master of Nets is one of the smallest in Suzhou, yet one of the finest. It was built in the mid-12th century as the residence of Shi Zhengzhi, a retired government official of the Song Dynasty who named his hall The Fisherman's Retreat. He had a library in the garden known as The Hall of 10,000 Volumes. During the reign of Qian Long in the 1700s, Song Zongyuan bought the property and remodeled the gardens and renamed it based on the name of the original hall.

The garden is divided into three parts: the eastern residential area, the central landscape garden and the western garden court. Pavilions, corridors, and rockeries line the shores of the central lake, which is encircled by a covered walkway. One pavilion sits out over the water and is called The Washing-My-Ribbon Pavilion after a fisherman's song written by Mencius, a Confucian philosopher of the Warring States Period. Off the lake is a small bay to the northwest and a stream to the southeast, each of which have stone arched bridges.

The northwestern part of the garden features courtyards and buildings designed for specific activities such as studying, painting, sharing tea or meals with friends, or presenting musicales. To the west of the lake is a cottage and a courtyard which was the model for the Astor Court at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.
第4个回答  2008-08-06