

1. Assault Cuirass / Shiva's Guard / Blade Mail
2. Heart of Tarrasque / Bloodstone / Soul Booster
3. Black King Bar / Hood of Defiance / Vanguard
4. Arcane Sanctum
5. Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse / Orchid Malevolence
6. Eul's Scepter of Divinity / Force Staff / Dagon
7. Aghanim's Scepter / Refresher Orb / Supportive Vestments
8. Mekansm / Vladmir's Offering
9. Arcane Ring / Khadgar's Pipe of Insight /笛子
10. Nathrezim Buckler
11. Headdress of Rejuvenation
12. Ring of Basilius / Flying Courier / Ancient Weaponry
13. Divine Rapier / Buriza-Dokyanon / Cranium Basher
14. Battlefury / Manta Style / Sange and Yasha
15. Satanic / Helm of the Dominator / Mask of Madness
16. Mjollnir / Maelstrom / Diffusal Blade
17. Stygian Desolator
18. Gateway Relics
19. Boots of Travel / Phase Boots / Power Treads
20. Hand of Midas
21. Perseverance / Poor Man's Shield
22. Bracer / Braith Band / Null Talisman
23. Magic Wand / Cache of Quel-thelan
24. Gloves of Haste / Mask of Death / Ring of Regeneration
25. Kelen's Dagger / Planeswalker's Cloak
26. Ghost Scepter / Ancient of Wonders
27. Clarity Potion / Healing Salve / Ancient Tango of Essifation
28. Observer Ward / Sentry Ward / Dust of Appearance
29. Animal Courier / Scroll of Town Portal
30. Sena the Accesorizer
31. Ironwood Branch / Circlet of Nobility
32. Mantle of Intelligence / Robe of the Magi
33. Staff of Wizardry / Slippers of Agility
34. Blade of Alacrity / Gauntlets of Ogre Strength
35. Belt of Giant Strength / Ogre Axe
36. Ring of Protection / Stout Shield
37. Javelin / Claws of Attack / Broadsword
38. Quarterstaff / Claymore
39. Weapons Dealer / Marketplace / Demon Edge
40. Messerschmidt's Reaver / 3200 /斧头
41. Mystic Staff / 2700
42. Sacred Relic / 3800
43. Ring of Health / 875
44. Void Stone / Hyperstone / Energy Booster
45. Vitality Booster
46. Point Booster