reach 与 reach to的区别是什么?


"Reach" 和 "reach to" 都表示到达某个地方或达到某个目标,但它们的用法略有不同。
"Reach" 通常用作及物动词,后面跟着一个名词或代词作宾语,表示到达某个地方或达到某个目标。例如:
- I reached the top of the mountain.(我到达了山顶。)
- She finally reached her goal of becoming a doctor.(她终于达成了成为医生的目标。)
"Reach to" 则通常用作不及物动词,后面跟着一个介词短语,表示伸手或延伸到某个地方。例如:
- He reached to grab the book on the top shelf.(他伸手去拿置于顶层的书。)
- The tree branches reached to the sky.(树枝伸向天空。)
需要注意的是,"reach to" 也可以用作及物动词,表示帮助或支持某人达到某个目标。例如:
- The organization reached out to the community to provide assistance.(该组织向社区伸出援手提供帮助。)
- The teacher reached out to the struggling student for extra help.(老师向挣扎中的学生伸出援手提供额外的帮助。)
第1个回答  2022-12-22


reach to:延伸到。



    I reached Mars last year, I have found nothing but dust here.


    I bought a new pair of trousers on Taobao, but it only reaches halfway down my legs.

reach to:The railway line will soon reach to our town.铁路不就就要延伸到我们镇了。

第2个回答  2023-04-26

"Reach" 和 "reach to" 都是动词,但它们在使用上略有不同。

"Reach" 通常用作不及物动词,表示到达某个地方或达成某个目标。例如:

    I finally reached the top of the mountain.

    The company has reached its sales targets for the year.

    而 "reach to" 则通常用作及物动词短语,表示触及、伸出手臂去拿、够得到等意思。例如:

    She reached out to grab the book on the top shelf.

    He couldn't quite reach to touch the ceiling.

    需要注意的是,"reach to" 在某些情况下也可以表示达到某个程度或者范围的意思,这时候也是及物动词短语。例如:

    The temperature reached to 40 degrees Celsius yesterday.


第3个回答  2023-04-25
"Reach" 和 "Reach to" 都是动词,有相似但又不同的用法。简单地说,"reach" 表示达到某个位置或状态,而 "reach to" 表示达到某个目标或对象。具体区别如下:
1. "Reach" 表示到达某个位置或状态,可以直接接地点或状态作为宾语。例如:
- The cat reached the top of the tree.(猫爬到了树顶。)
- The company has reached its sales target.(公司完成了销售目标。)
2. "Reach to" 表示达到某个目标或对象,需要接一个目标或对象作为宾语。例如:
- She reached to grab the book on the top shelf.(她伸手去拿书架上的书。)
- The child struggled to reach the cookie jar on the counter.(孩子努力去够柜台上的饼干罐。)
3. "Reach" 还可以表示联系或沟通,常用于表示双方之间的联系。例如:
- I'll reach out to him to see if he's available for a meeting.(我会联系他看看他是否有空参加会议。)
- We need to reach a compromise on this issue.(我们需要在这个问题上达成妥协。)
综上所述,"reach" 表示到达某个位置或状态,而 "reach to" 表示达到某个目标或对象。下面是一些例句:
- She reached for the phone on the table.(她伸手去拿桌子上的电话。)
- The athlete reached the finish line first.(这位运动员第一个到达终点线。)
- The charity organization has reached out to help those in need.(慈善组织已经伸出援手帮助有需要的人。)本回答被网友采纳