世说新语 一则古文翻译


第1个回答  2013-11-25
For Konuzin, 20, the father of the Luo. When Liyuanli a reputation, XiaoWei of Sidi. Yi Jun doors for all the money title and only table is a relative links. For the text to the door, said the officials, saying : "I am pro-Lee chuchi." Link both front seat, asked yuan ceremony said : "Monarch in the fall of the pro-?" right reads : "Xi Xian - Zhong Ni and Mo Yang Jun ancestor's respect for teachers, Jun is the servant and Woodland Tonghao also for the world. "yuan officiating guests and especially the Agent. too which the doctor until after Chen condemnation, Pragmatic his people's. condemnation, saying : "hours, does not necessarily." For the text reads : "think-Jun hours, When will the road. "condemnation large (tert-foot) (foot celecoxib) ---------------------有英语的问题可以来“快步英语”网址 www.from2000.com