


(就近原则就是在遇到一些特定的词组或句型后,动词的单数复数看离他最近的那个主语 )
这些词组有not only...but also..., either...or..., neither...nor...等。
there be ……句型 ,Neither……nor…… ,Either……or……, Not……but…… ,Whether……or……
Not only……but also……

1.There be 句型

There is a book and some pencils on the desk.

=There are some pencils and a book on the desk.

类似的还有here 和 This is a man and woman


Neither you nor he is right.

= Neither he nor you are right.

Neither you nor I am wrong. 你和我都没错。


Either they or Jim is going to Shanghai next Saturday.

= Either Jim or they are going to shanghai next Saturday.

4.not only...but also...

Not only Ann but also her parents stay at home every Sunday.

= Not only Ann's parents but also she stays at home every Sunday.

Not only the students but also the teacher wishes for a holiday. 不仅是学生,就连老师也期盼一个假期。

Not only they but also I am keen on sports.

【主谓一致现象 】

有一类连接词,其后的谓语动词要与连接词前一部分的主语保持一致。此类连接词有with, along with, together with, as well as, besides, like, without, except (but), including等。例如:

Tracy, like many girls, loves dancing. 特蕾西像很多女孩一样,喜欢跳舞。

All the students, including Tom, are leaving. 所有的学生,包括汤姆都走了。

No one except (but) me knows about this news. 除了我没有人知道这个消息。


1. 表示“运算”的数词通常作单数 。e.g.
Ten times four makes(make) forty .+ 乘以四得四十。
①Twenty years is not a long time . 二十年光阴,弹指一挥间。
②Twenty years have passed since he left . 他离开已二十个年头了。
①About 40 percent / two-fifths of the books here are (is) worth reading . 这些书中百分之四十/五分之二值得读。
②Only sixty percent / three-fifths of the work was done yesterday .昨天只干完了百分之六十/五分之三的工作。
4. "a number of (许多)/ a varlety of (各式各样) "+复数名词,常作复数用。e.g.
①A number of students in this class are (is) from Sichuan . 这个班有不少同学来自四川。
②There are a variety of toys in this shop.这家商店有各种各样的玩具。
但是,“the number(数目)/ the variety(种类)”+ of + 复数名词,作单数。e.g.
①The number of students in this college has doubled . 这所大学的学生人数翻了一番。
②The variety of goods in this shop is rich . 这家商店货物品种丰富。
Mathematics seems easy to me .我似乎觉得数学不难。
①Her mathematics are weak . 她数学差。(指“学业成绩、能力”)
②What are your politiscs? 你的政治观点如何?
2. “works工厂,means方法,series系列,species物种,aircraft飞机”等名词单、复数同形,要从上下文判断其具体意义来决定单、复数。e.g.
①This works was(These works were)built two years ago . 这(几)家工厂是两年前修建的。
②Every means has (All means have) been tried . 各种办法都试过了。
这类名词通常还有“fish ,deer ,sheep ,headquarters (总部驻地),bellows(风箱), plastics, gallows (绞架), manners(礼貌) ,whereabouts (行踪), ”等。(但news(消息)是不可数名词,通常只作单数用。)
Ⅴ. "the + 形容词/分词"作主语时:
1. 指“一类”人或事物时,常用作复数用。e.g.
①The English speak English. 英国人讲英语。
②The rejected were heaped in the corner . 废品堆在角落里。
①The deceased was his father . 去世的是他父亲。
②The agreeable is not always the useful . 好看的不一定中用。
③The new and progressive always wins over the old . 新生、进步的事物总是要战胜旧的东西。
①The United States was founded in 1776. 美国成立于1776年。
②The Arabian Nights is very interesting . 《天方夜谭》很有趣。
Dickens' Amerian Notes were (was ) published in 1842 .
1. 大多作单数用。e.g.
①What we need is more practice . 我们需要的是更多的实践。
②What he says doesn't agree with what he does . 他言行不一致。
①What you say and think is /are no business of mine . 你怎么说以及怎么想,不关我的事。
②What he bought was /were some books . 他所买的是几本书。
1.由下列词语连接的并列主语:"or ; either …or;nor; neither…or;whether…or;not…but; not only…but also" ; 等。e.g.
①What he does or what he says does not concern me . 他的行为或言谈都与我无关。
②Neither you nor I am wrong . 你和我都没错。
③Not you but your father is to blame . 不是你,而是你父亲该受责备。
④Not only you hut(also) he is wrong .不仅你错了,他也错了。
2. 在倒装句中:谓语可与后面第一个主语一致。e.g.
①In the distance was heard the clapping of hands and the shouts of the people . 在远处,能听见鼓掌声和人们的呼喊声。
②There is (are) a pen and some books on the desk .桌上有一支钢笔和几本书。
II. 非正式文体中:
Neither she nor I were there (意义一致) 我和他当时都不在那儿。(非正式)
Neither she nor I was there .(就近一致)(译文同上句)(正式)
No one except his own supporters agree with him .仅他自己的支持者同意他的意见。(依“就近”和“意义”一致的原则;但语法上,“No one ”才是主语,谓语要改成“agrees”。“写作中”一般要依“语法一致”原则。望采纳,谢谢。