


  备忘录是一种录以备忘的公文。 在公文函件中,它的等级是比较低的,主要用来提醒、督促对方,或就某个问题提出自己的意见或看法。在业务上,它一般用来补充正式文件的不足。

  2、收文人的姓名、头衔、地址(Addressee’s Name, Title, Address)
  6、结束语(Complimentary Close)

  2、称呼从左边顶格写起,对一般机关、团体的负责人一般用 Dear Sir, 对政府官员可用Sir。
  1)This paper deals with...
  2)This article focuses on the topics of (that, having, etc)...
  3)This eassy presents knowledge that...
  4)This thesis discusses...
  5)This thesis analyzes...
  6)This paper provides an overview of...
  7)This paper elaborates on ...
  8)This article gives an overview of...
  9)This article compares...and summarizes key findings.
  10)This paper includes discussions concerning...
  11)This paper presents up to date information on...
  12)This article covers the role of chemicals in...
  13)This paper addresses important topics including...
  14)This paper touches upon...
  15)This paper strongly emphasizes...
  16)This eassy represents the preceedings of ...
  17)This article not only describes...but also suggests...
  18)This paper considers...
  19)This paper provides a method of ...
  20)This paper introduces an applicable procedure to analyze... (%bk%)

  ① 动笔之前一定要认真仔细地阅读所给原文,弄懂原文大意掌握要点。
  ② 摘要长度一般是原文的四分之一或五分之一,考试时应遵守字数限制。
  ③ 在做摘要时考生切忌照搬原文。
  ④ 摘要应与原文的观点保持一致,并且仍按原文的逻辑顺序排列。
  ⑤ 重点反映主要观点,删除细节。
  ⑥ 简化从句,用简短的语句代替冗长的语句。
  ⑦ 检查与修改时,考生应重点检查是否遗漏了原文的要点或包含了细节。
  1、开头:Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear sir or Madam, Dear President, Dear Sales Manager, Dear Dean, Dear Professor, To whom it may concern, Dear Mr. Smith,

  2、结尾:Yours faithfully, Yours truly, Yours, Yours sincerely, Best regards, Best wishes, lovingly yours, sincerely yours

  Hi! How are you?
  Hello! I hope everything is fine.
  Hi! How is everything going?
  I was a guest at your hotel from June 25 to 28.
  I am a student at your college, enrolled in the computer course.
  Thank you for your invitation to the international medical conference on October 11.
  Thank you for your letter dated October 11.
  I am writing to advise you for the loss of my credit card.
  I’d like to inquire about course details.
  I am writing to complain about/of the poor service at your restaurant.

  I am looking forward to your prompt reply.
  Please reply to us at your earliest convenience.
  once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.
  Please accept my apologies once again.
  I expect to hear from you very soon.
  Please give this matter your immediate attention. (%bk%)

  B、正文:说明情况,讲清利害,分析利弊。 告诉对方你因此受到的伤害或不便,提出解决问题的建议,表明希望如何处理。
  I am writing to you to complain about…
  I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with/at…
  I beg to call your attention to the fact that…
  I wish to refer you to an incident which occurred…, calling for some remedial action.
  I very much regret to have to inform you that…
  I am totally/completely disappointed/upset to find…
  I find it awful/quite distressing that…
  My experience in…on…(date) shocked me. I can hardly put up with it.
  There are some problems with the … that I wish to bring to attention. For one thing, there is…, For another, …..
  I can hardly stand/bear/tolerate/put up with it any more.
  To improve the situation/solve the above problem, it is advisable for you to take the following measures:…
  I look forward to a day when we could really enjoy a more efficient service.
  I hope that the above situation will be improved as soon as possible.
  If it is not properly settled, I would ask you to give my money back, or I would complain to the Consumer’s Association.
  I request you to be kind enough to solve the problem as soon as possible.  
  B、正文:详细阐明询问、请求的具体内容、希望获得的信息。 说明信应写明原因、实情及希望对方做些什么。强调所需信息/帮助的重要性(按要求)。
  I would like to inquire about some information concerning/regarding…
  I am writing in the hope that you can…
  I am writing because I would like to…
  Needless to say, your approval of my request will be beneficial not only to myself but to the company.
  Could you tell me what I have to do to…
  It is sincerely requested that you…
  My first question is that …
  Should I need to send further materials, please let me know.
  If additional information is required, please advise me at your early convenience.Should I send you copies of my qualification in advance?
  I would be much obliged to you if you could let me know the procedures I have to go through.
  Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.
  Please render me some valuable advice which is conducive to my final decision.
  I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.
  I must apologize to you for…
  I am very sorry that..
  I regret to inform you that I will not be able to…
  I am afraid what I have done has caused many inconveniences to you.
  I sincerely hope you understand that I offended you quite unintentionally.
  I believe you can understand that I have not intended to hurt you.
  I owe you an apology.
  It is my fault.
  I am to blame for this unpleasant thing.
  Please pardon/excuse/forgive me.
  I sincerely hope that you will kindly accept my apologies.
  I will try my utmost not to make such a stupid mistake again.
  I trust the settlement of the matter will meet your wishes.
  I hope you will kindly forgive my lapse of attention.
  I am so sorry to have put you to/into so much trouble. (%bk%)
  I am grateful/thankful to you for…
  I am much obliged to you for your help.
  I shall always appreciate the assistance you have given me.
  I am writing to express my thanks to you for the many kindnesses you showed me when I was in hospital.
  It was most thoughtful and generous of you to send me such a beautiful and fancy gift.
  Thoughtful considerate considerable
  It’s very kind of you to help us.
  I hope you can know how much I appreciate your hospitality and your many kindnesses to me.
  But for your help, I would not..
  If it had not been for your timely assistance, I am afraid that..
  Thanks from the bottom of my heart for…
  With thanks from every one of us and best wishes to you.
  Again, I would like to express our warm thanks to you.
  I shall be pleased to reciprocate your favor when the opportunity arises.
  I should be much pleased if you would come to our party on Friday the 15th at 6.
  I am pleased to invite you to participate in …to be held from…to…. in..
  I feel it a great honor if you could..
  It is my pleasure/a great honor for me to invite you to…
  We would be greatly honored if you could come…
  I am writing to invite you to…
  I am particularly anxious to have you join us.
  It’s a long time since I have had the pleasure of seeing you and I do hope you can come.
  We hope that you can come and look forward to seeing you.
  I will cover all the expenses involved.
  I have read your advertisement in…for a (position/post), and should be grateful if you could consider me favorably as an applicant for the position.
  I wish to apply for the post mentioned in your advertisement in yesterday’s newspaper.
  I wish to apply for a position with your company.
  I myself like the job very much and I think my personality is well suited to working as a …
  Honest, trust-worthy, reliable, enthusiastic, diligent, bright, smart, careful, patient, responsible, efficient, productive, versatile, open-minded, optimistic.
  I am confident that my experience and ability will show you that I can fulfill the particular requirement of your position.
  Born in…in.., I graduated from….University majoring in ….. I have been working in…since my graduation, and I have therefore attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field.
  Upon graduation, I first worked as … The following job was …. And currently I am working for…
  I intend to give up my present post in order to get a more challenging opportunity.
  With the kind of experience I have accumulated, I would expect a salary of not less than 4,000.
  I shall be very much obliged if you will offer me an opportunity for an interview.
  I am looking forward with great interest to hearing from you soon regarding my application.
  I am very glad to recommend you a former student of mine, Mr./Miss… to be a candidate for…
  I am writing to recommend…
  I have great pleasure to provide a letter for recommendation for Mr./Miss…
  With reference to your advertised position, I have the pleasure to say that he is the just person you are looking for.
  He has proved to be industrious, responsible and skillful in carrying out his assignment.
  Besides being thoroughly honest and reliable he showed an unusual quickness and ability in…
  I hope the above information will help you to know…
  If you need any further information about his qualification, please do not hesitate to contact me.
  If further information about him/her is required, please do not hesitate to let me know/contact me
  In view of his/her previous achievements in…, I am firmly convinced that Mr./Miss.., will make a successful graduate student/staff member.
  I would be most grateful if you would consider my recommendation and kindly offer him a…
  I am writing to tell you how highly I think of…
  I am writing because I appreciate very much what Mr./Miss…from your company has done.
  I am greatly impressed by…
  What he has done shows that…
  He deserves praise for what he has done.
  I am greatly inspired by…
  It is your good service as well as excellent food that help you set up a world reputation.
  For this reason, I am writing to express my heartfelt thanks and hope that your company will have a brighter future.
  What exciting/thrilling news!
  It’s good/sensational news.
  I was delighted/thrilled to hear/to receive the news that …
  It’s the most joyful news I have heard for a long time.
  I congratulate you on/upon your success.
  Congratulations and all good/best wishes.
  Please accept my heartiest congratulations on…
  Permit me to congratulate you…
  We want you to know how happy we were when…
  It gave me a great deal of pleasure to learn…
  Wish you all the happiness in the world.
  I hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life/career.
  All the luck in the world to you!
  Best of luck to you!