

主动 被动
一般 to do to be done
完成 to have done to have been done
进行 to be doing

1。作主语:To make a plane first is a good idea.先作出计划是个好主意。
作主语时常用it做形式主语,如:It's dangerous to drive very fast.
2。作宾语:I want to try out some of my idea.我想试验我的一些想法。
3。作宾补:(1)带to:The villagers did not allow them to do this.村民们不许他们这样做。
(2)不带to:They talked until they heard her uncle return home.他们一直谈到听见她叔叔回来。
4。作状语:(1)作目的状语:He worked hard to build a house.
(2)作结果状语:What have I done to make you so angry?我干了什么使你这么生气
(3)作原因状语:She seemed surprised to meet us.
5.作定语(1)主谓关系:I was the last to go to bed.
(2)动宾关系:He has got lots of question to ask.
6.作同位语:The visit is a good chance to learn English.
7.作表语:His job was to design new machines.
8.作主补:Why is potato thought to be a very useful plant?为什么马铃薯被认为是一种非常有用的植物?

(1)在情态助动词后:Can you come and play football?
(2)在had better,can't but,do nothing but,would rather/sooner之后:You'd better go to bed earlier tonight.
(3)在某些感官动词(如see,watch,hear,feel,notice)之后的复合宾语中:I saw him go into the room.
(4)在某些使役动词后(如make,let,have)的复合宾语中:I would have him wait for me.
(5)当两个或两个以上的不定式连用时,后面的不定式往往省略to:She taught him to read and (to) write.
(6)某些动词(如help,know)后的复合宾语中,可带也可省:She helped her mother (to) prepare for Christmas.
