使役动词后面不是加那三种么,可是①中为什么是have sb dos th


have sb do sth这种用法是正确的,是have +宾语+省to不定式的用法,表示主语“要”“使”“让”宾语做某事。
1). have +宾语+省to不定式:表示主语“要”“使”“让”宾语干某事,宾语和宾补之间是一种主动关系.而且还可以与情态动词will, would连用,不用于被动结构.
The rich lady had the singer eat with his servants.
I will have him come and help you.
2). have+宾语+现在分词:表示让某人或物连续进行某动作或处于某状态中,宾语和宾补是一种主动关系.亦可转化为“劝说,鼓励”宾语干某事.
The two cheats had the lights burning all night long.
He had us waiting for him three hours yesterday.
I have them all talking to each other in English. 我鼓励他们用英语交谈.
3). have +宾语+过去分词:表示主语的主观意志,即主语让别人为自己完成某事,宾语和宾补是动宾关系.还可以表示主语遭受到来利或不测的事.
Tom said he had had his TV set repaired.
Tom had his wallet stolen on the bus yesterday.
Have you washed your clothes? 你洗了衣服了吗?(自己洗)
Have you had your clothes washed? 你叫人洗了衣服了吗?(别人洗)
4). have+宾语+形容词/副词/介词短语作宾补
Please have your tickets ready.
The Emperor had nothing on.
I am sure I’ll have him in the argument.