
《中学生园地》英语版正在举行以“我的学校”为主题的征文活动。请你写一篇参赛文章介绍一下你的学校和学校生活。字数80左右,题目已给出,不计入总词数。第5个要点用1至2句话补充完整。要点如下:我的学校是一个男女混合学校,学校生活丰富多彩,也很有趣;从早上7:40至下午3:30上不同的课程,有许多时间课外活动来保持健康;每天只有一个小时的作业,比江阴的其他学校作业都少; 4. 学校有不同的俱乐部,学生可以修东西、做水果沙拉、制作卡片等等;5. 希望每年有两次学校旅游,还希望……

One possible version:
My School
My school is a mixed school.Our school life is colorful and interesting. We have different classes from 7:40 am to 3:30 pm. There is much time for us to do after-school activities to keep fit. We only have an hour of homework every day. We have less homework in our school than the other schools in Jiangyin. In our school, we have different clubs. The students can learn to repair things, make a fruit salad,make cards and so on.
We hope to have two school trips enery year….

【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,段落清晰。第一段描述了学校丰富生活的各个方面,第二段提出希望------,用词上简单质朴,如:a mixed school 混合学校,colorful and interesting多彩而有趣;使用了比较级的句型We have less homework in our school than---, 比---有更少的作业,earn to repeair things 学着修理东西等,使文章更加通顺易懂。