

    Four short detective stories
    "Eh bien, Monsieur le Directeur!" said
    Poirot. "Since you have called me in to investigate this mystery des
    chevaux Troyens, we must use our little grey cells. You say that this
    device has also been found in Sainsbury's College? Alors, you are
    looking at this mystery the wrong way round. We must interrogate all
    those who were in Sainsbury's during its 'Unattended Selling' period.
    But first, a Sirop from the Vendepac, if you would be so kind..."

    Marlowe?" said the dame on the phone. "Come to the User Area Night Club
    as soon as you can. We've got this problem with Trojan horses."
    man lying on the floor was definitely dead, but it was the dame standing
    over him who caught my eye. She had curves in all the right places, as
    well as some of the wrong ones, but this didn't stop me from noticing
    the micro-chip in her hand, in time to push her to one side as the
    device exploded in a sheet of flame...

    "Bunter! A cup of the '86
    Cola for Inspector Parker," exclaimed Lord Peter Wimsey, laying aside a
    First Edition of the MVS/XA manual (in the original Greek) that he had
    been perusing.
    "No, thank you, Peter," said Parker hastily. "I never
    drink on duty: it damages the terminals (& my stomach). What do you
    make of this?"
    Wimsey took the proffered chip cautiously, and
    scrutinised it through his monocle. "There appears to be a Greek
    inscription on it," he commented. "A quotation from Homer to do with
    fish, if I am not mistaken. But one that only appears in certain
    editions of the Iliad..."

    "I perceive by the mark on your tie
    that you have been using TeX recently," said Holmes. "Also your pet
    goldfish has been ill this week."
    "Enough of that nonsense!" said our
    client testily, interrupting my cry of "Amazing, Holmes!" "I want you
    to come down to Cambridge Moor to investigate a problem connected with
    the legend of the phantom Horse of the Terminilles."
    "Come, Watson!"
    said Holmes. "The game is afoot! You may tell me about the problem in
    the train, your Grace." He hastily took down a battered copy of
    Bradshaw, then fired his revolver into a picture of Queen Victoria on
    the wall (this being his usual way of summoning Mrs Hudson)...

    The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!

