

laboratory rules,
laboratory (including various operations, training room) is a teaching experiment, scientific research and technology development sites, If students do experimental units or individuals, should be pre-apply to the relevant laboratory, the After laboratory unified arrangement, according to plan. Second, enter the laboratory personnel, the laboratory must comply with the rules and regulations to keep the interior clean and tidy, non-smoking, slapstick, loud noise. Third, the use of laboratory equipment, to strictly abide by the rules and safety systems, such as the occurrence of damage, loss or other person in charge of the laboratory report the accident immediately, according to relevant provisions of the school. Fourth, the laboratory staff must stick to their posts, a clear responsibility to do regular inspection of equipment, maintenance, failure to timely repair, ensure equipment is in normal condition. Five large-scale precision equipment to designate a person responsible, and make use of the recording. Precious materials or products, hazardous chemicals must be kept strictly requisitioning system. Sixth, laboratory instruments and equipment storage, must meet the requirements put disposal, clean and tidy, easy to use. Seven units or individuals outside the laboratory experiment or contact work should be subject to the equipment at the formalities. Eight laboratories to conduct regular safety inspections, responsibility to the people, good fire, theft, anti-explosion, anti-sabotage and other security work.